Putting the moral issues aside...as others have said: If the vaccines are safe (both short and long term) but not effective (no sterilizing immunity) - mandates are not justified. If they are effective (sterilizing immunity) but not safe - mandates are not justified. If they are safe and effective - mandates are not justified and if they are neither safe nor effective - mandates are not justified. It is really quite simple.

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A while back I shared this study with my brother who's sympathetic to the mainstream narrative (but open-minded enough to hear contrary evidence) and his response was that it didn't control for urban/rural population density. It'd be nice to do this analysis again but broken down by counties with high/low population density and high/low vaccination rates (four total) to see if there was any effect on case/death rates. Does anyone know if there's already such a study? I already did something similar with states and it was more or less inconclusive.

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If you did that, he would just say "oh, you didn't control for this other variable!" and wash, rinse, repeat, forever.

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I've had this conversation. I pivoted and said "fair, but with your logic, you should clearly be against masking. "

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They're looking at the county level. While not perfect, this essentially controls for population density.

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Yes, I've seen some of this county data and I think it's good. But what I mean is separating counties by high/low density and high/low vaccination rates. If you google that Harvard study, there are "fact checkers" claiming to have "debunked" it by saying it doesn't control for population density. It would shut them right up if there was a county study that then controlled for population density.

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If a conversation goes this way you have to point out that assuming the intervention works, without proof, is prima facie unscientific.

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Natural immunity rules!! Vaxxers drool (because of strokes, heart failure, etc.)!

Let’s go, Brandon! 🇺🇸

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with the current court rulings, there's hope that medical choices come back to the individual. Now, if we can get the same attention applied to the mask mandates

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You, Kyle Kamb, Steve Deace, Daniel Horowitz, Dr. Knut Wittkowski & many others including the esteemed Dr. John Ioannidis have been right since about April 2020. Thank you!

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all caused deaths in usa are up week over week last year since 4 Sep 2021......

at best a few weeks post spring dip prior to sep 2021 were marginally less over threshold than since apr 2020.

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A study from Israel doesn't support vaccination: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.04.21267114v1.full.pdf

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"the vaccines have not stopped"

It may be more technically precise to say that "they could not possibly be the sole or even primary agent in stopping ..."

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What is the definition of a "Covid-10-Case" here? - Discernible symptoms or a positive PCR-test or both?

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I do feel vindicated. I've been trying to warn people from the beginning, with each new mandate. Sadly, there has been only 1 governor in America who could look at this thing logically, and make decisions accordingly. But everybody has a boss, and it appears that boss is the Communist Chinese.

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Look at this simple math.

As of November 9, 2021, **7.61 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. WHO reports 2,457,386 adverse effects.** 2,457,386 divided by 7,600,000,000 equals 0.00032 or 0.032% adverse effects which means the **vaccines are 99.968% safe**.

We were only promised 95%.

Only more than 400 million effects would drop it below 95%.

covid cases today usa (https://www.google.com/search?q=covid+cases+today+usa&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS926US926&oq=covid+case&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i59l2j0i433i457i512j69i60l3.7562j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Efficacy is the 1. (5.8 and 14 are unvaccinated)

1 to 5.8 (17%) illness and of those 1 to 14 death (7%)

Some anti-vaxxers claim the long term effect that everyone who gets the vaccine will be dead in 2 to 3 years. **Wouldn’t we be seeing a lot by now?**

One third of covid patients have long haul effects.

This is the choice -- **Not vaccinated** (5,000,000 deaths from covid plus 87 million long haul cases) **92 million** versus **vaccinated** (2,500,000 adverse effects [not verified]— less than 40,000 deaths — and 2 million breakthrough cases [probably less]) **4.5 million**.

**Vaccinated is 20 times safer** than unvaccinated and is easy, free and quick.

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And give up all our freedoms for a little more safety....nah thanks

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“ALL our freedoms”? Not by a long shot. That statement is so illogical.

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I want to believe the conclusion that the jab makes little or no difference, but doesn't Figure 2 clearly show decreasing cases per 100K population at the >40% vaccination levels than at the <40% levels?

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