
At least this happens under Trump and not Kamala. We may feel the pain now, and I bet it won’t be as deep or long of a recession under the Trump admin. The last steward admin was just buying time to keep the globalists in power for as long as possible.

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I think you’re wrong …yes the economy is bifurcated and the poor are doing poorly.

But the earnings are fine…the problem is obiden 10 trillion in give aways to illegals and fake jobs to buy votes.Our economy has been garbage since trump was deposed by the Marxist global cabal.

Yes it’s going to take time to fix but TRUMP will do it_..that’s why I voted for him…you’re wrong on most of your points..

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Like all bad things, the legacy press will shriek “TRUMP!”

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This is really a good summation. We always have many of the points you stressed happening at any given time. It's when they mostly happen in synchronicity that it leads to severe consequences. The US is not immune to global economic tides and headwinds.

My concern is that new tariffs will crunch the world's economy more severely than it would be otherwise and this will lead to more NWO and great reset nonsense. Yes, the system needs to be reset but not in the way the globalists are wanting to do it.

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The point you made about markets anticipating rate cuts? They always expected the Fed to cut rates, even at the height of the bubble. So one wouldn't know the year just by looking at these expectations.

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Good overview, Justin. Linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ in my Economic News section!!!

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Excellent summary analysis; THANK You for this!

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