The only thing that gives me comfort is knowing that all these people WILL ultimately pay a price for what they did.

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they will when? they are alive and kicking and one got back the potus job.

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In my belief system we all answer in this life or after for what we have done.

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The graphic would be 100% more believable if the purple splash with "Investigator: Ben Hu" wasn't pasted in after the fact at the top. What was printed in that box in the original?

See, I can't use this to convince any of my doubters, due to its obvious tampering. Might as well not have included the pic, Justin. The Ben Hu angle buries the lede - the main story that's relevant today is the connection between USAID and Wuhan. We already know about Fauci and Ecohealth.

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Also note the date on the blog: June 15, 2023.

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Good thing Fauci got that sweet pardon from Biden on his way out the door!

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Fauci knew he funded the research that spawned COVID every thing he did was to hide that fact. He lied to President Trump he lied to the American people he lied to the world about his role in funding the work that created Covid-19. While we all taken some comfort in that in the end Fauci will burn in hell for all enternity. There still needs to justice done while he is still of this world. Charge him as an international criminal Trump will have him arrested and charged with crimes against humanity Try him in some international tribunal which we will control give him his chance to come clean but he will never ever see freedom till he enters the gates of hell.

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I think you shot yourself in the foot or the groin. There is no virus.

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It actually IS a conspiracy theory. An ACCURATE conspiracy theory which has been shown to be TRUE. The various players that you outlined did conspire.

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Can a person who almost died from Covid sue Dr. Fauci?

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Answer: No.

In Washington, everyone that fails, fails upwards.

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lol lol who believes this? most likely is that pre hoax money went to writers to create the best hoax scenario. of course gotta pay fraudci to use his name."gain of function " AGAIN REFERS TO UPDATING LABS TO CURRENT PRODUCTIVITY LEVELS . IT DOES NOT MEAN NEFARIOUS MAD SCIENTISTS WORKING LATE AT NIGHT TO CREATE DEADLY POISONS. THOUGH PHARMACOLOGY CREATES POISONS AND THEN LABELS THEM SAVIOR MEDICATIONS TO INDUCE THE SIMPS TO SWALLOW THEM. oops sorry i hit the cap button in error.

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Unsaid is that most of USAID is controlled by the CIA. Their NGOs and foreign operatives are set up to circumvent US law specifically. With Us tax dollars explicitly.

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U forgetting North Carolina University where that psychopath criminal of the founder of EcoHealth Alliance is coming from, Sir! And where many millions from Fauci went before Covid times...

Is it on purpose? Or u want to spread false flags on China as Trump likes?

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Covid patient zero was a big fat zero, a non-entity, a ghost, a phantom, a creation from fauci's warped mind, a Chinese specter, an illusion and a farce. There were no covid cases since the PRC test was completely faked with no standards and no pre-trials that proved efficacy. The government department of bamboozlement scored a major win.

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Fauci has to be held accountable for this. He has to.

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This no different than if Japan had ordered and paid for the Manhattan project.

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Ben Who ?

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The link you provided seems to be from 2023. I wonder how it was not discovered until now.

With Musk getting in on this, it appears as if DOGE discovered this when that is not apparently the case.

So the question is, why now?

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