This whole thing stinks to me. Maybe an attempt to make the Secret Service look good, and regain some of their tarnished reputation. Maybe an attempt to let the general public know that Trump is an easy target. This will certainly gin up some people.

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I have more the impression that the truly unhinged nutbags are starting to come out of the woodwork now. They are desperate to do whatever they can to prevent a second Trump term. I believe the Secret Service agents regularly assigned as Trump’s core detail, who are with him in Palm Beach and the majority of the time, but were superseded by the road team at the Butler rally, are top notch agents and are focused like a laser beam on nothing more than they are focused on protecting Donald Trump. I have low regard for the leadership in the SS, including Ron Rowe, Jr., chosen to replace the hideous Kim Cheadle, but I have very high confidence in the primary Trump detail. Unable to give my sources, but I will just say that they are very different than the SS leadership.

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That's my first impression as well.

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The shooter will be released for cremation by tomorrow morning.

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After he hangs himself with an elastic string from his sock tonight. 🙄

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Nah, he will strangle himself in his sleep.

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I am so proud of palm Beach County Sheriffs Office because I worked there for 21 years as a trainer and victim advocate in Detective Bureau. They put this presser together with Secret Service and State Attorney and FBI. Wonderful

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I'm sure the locals are true to their word. Not so sure about the now disgraced SS and FBI.

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I would agree with you regarding FBI, but only the “higher-ups” at the SS. I have confidence in the core of regular Trump detail agents who are around him 90% of the time (like today).

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I do not trust the FBI, SS or any other Biden administration agency

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The big question is this: how did the would be assassin KNOW where Trump would be at that time of the day and on the find course? His schedule was NOT published. This guy had to travel as he’s from Hawaii! He obviously had a lot of physical things in his car and in his back packs. This all leads one to believe that he had inside help. That’s the big deal question. The suspect is not talking.

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Do you have any confidence they can maintain control of this investigation?

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I would believe it if the locals did NOT colaberate with the feds. Sorry but the locals are tainted until proven otherwise. The fed infection is just too much.

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a press conference like this one was suspiciously missing from butler, PA

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Exactly!!! and this one too perfect if you consider the differences between the assassination attempts. I believe at least the perp is a democrat plant. Noone with functioning brain cells would do what he did without conspiracy involvement.

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I hand it to the Secret Service for doing it right this time - shoot first when you encounter anyone aiming a firearm at your protectee. I’m sure in Palm Beach, and away from rallies, the core Trump detail is a group of top-notch agents who are not at all conflicted about their job.

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Yeah the FBI / CIA probably set it all up. Investigating?? Yeah right!

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I watched the press conference. It was detailed info, clear & concise. A much better representation of all law enforcement involved. It should be clear now that many evil, emotionally disturbed people are being motivated by the hateful rhetoric coming from Democrats & their fellow propagandists in the media.

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Too bad they can't do this for the public assassination where public video evidence is available. This was closed and too perfect if you ask me. I do not trust anything the feds have a hand in and being a long time Palm Beach county resident I don't trust the PBSO leadership.

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Yes, be sure to contact the FBI. I am sure that they will take appropriate action right away.

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this is completely ridiculous that this is happening

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