people alone in their car wearing a mask; people jogging, cycling along the beach alone wearing a mask... meanwhile indigenous people in Australia are being held down and jabbed against their will... WHERE IS THE VIRTUE IN ANY OF THIS???
My apologies in advance to any devout Christians, but I recently ordered an little nativity Christmas ornament, which consists of Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus wearing masks, because it was so mind-blowingly stupid and will serve as a testament of the insanity of the Great Masking for years to come.
I’m actually surprised people were that honest about COVID giving their empty lives meaning.
Nazis felt the same way:
“‘I was nothing. Then, suddenly, I was needed. National Socialism had a place for me. I was nothing—and then I was needed.’” —Milton Mayer, “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”
I'm a teacher at a self proclaimed progressive private school. I'm constantly surrounding by virtue signaling automatons who have completely bought into the pathological "new normal." They take all of these inane covid measure to the extreme, which, in my assessment, is child abuse. And they are brainwashing kids into their covid cult. If anyone want to read about just how batshit crazy and how incapable of critical thinking many educators are, here's my Notes From the Covid Classroom:
That tweet from the lady wearing it as the only one on the train is about as good as it gets. I think the highest level of virtue signaling I've seen was a lime green shirt found while thrifting that said "I'm a mask maker because your life is worth my time." The self-righteousness needed to produce that shirt is on another level.
I’ve a folder in my bookmarks labeled “Idiots Everywhere”. It has rapidly filled up over the last 2 years, increasingly more as time passes. What has happened to people’s brains? I have my theories, but most of it I put down to the cause and effect mentioned in the book of Romans. Depraved minds lead to irrational thoughts and even worse actions.
Hi Justin. I have been subscribed to you for $10/month to for months and yet substack says I'm not subscribed and I can't get into your paywall articles. PLEASE leave a link for me to get this issue resolved.
I feel like God should be on this list somewhere.
At the top...
people alone in their car wearing a mask; people jogging, cycling along the beach alone wearing a mask... meanwhile indigenous people in Australia are being held down and jabbed against their will... WHERE IS THE VIRTUE IN ANY OF THIS???
My apologies in advance to any devout Christians, but I recently ordered an little nativity Christmas ornament, which consists of Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus wearing masks, because it was so mind-blowingly stupid and will serve as a testament of the insanity of the Great Masking for years to come.
That is just wrong. I won’t even “like” a photo on social media with people wearing masks. I don’t care who they are.
Agreed. Fires need oxygen to burn. I consider "likes" as part of the oxygen that flames the covid fire.
My act of virtue is not putting up with wrongthink and wrong acts.
“Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.” —Charles Spurgeon
Spurgeon for the win! We sorely lack men of his caliber in the church and public square today.
This is really sad. These people have no actual meaning in their lives. Not only that their ability to critically reason seems to be utterly missing.
"Freedumb" does outrank covid by a sizable margin.
I’m actually surprised people were that honest about COVID giving their empty lives meaning.
Nazis felt the same way:
“‘I was nothing. Then, suddenly, I was needed. National Socialism had a place for me. I was nothing—and then I was needed.’” —Milton Mayer, “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”
Christmas card photos last year with FORMER friends wearing masks. The cards went in the trash and were not part of my decorations.
I'm a teacher at a self proclaimed progressive private school. I'm constantly surrounding by virtue signaling automatons who have completely bought into the pathological "new normal." They take all of these inane covid measure to the extreme, which, in my assessment, is child abuse. And they are brainwashing kids into their covid cult. If anyone want to read about just how batshit crazy and how incapable of critical thinking many educators are, here's my Notes From the Covid Classroom:
Yet another reason to homeschool...
Unfortunately, that one person in twenty is holding the rest of us hostage to their virtue signaling insanity.
That tweet from the lady wearing it as the only one on the train is about as good as it gets. I think the highest level of virtue signaling I've seen was a lime green shirt found while thrifting that said "I'm a mask maker because your life is worth my time." The self-righteousness needed to produce that shirt is on another level.
I’ve a folder in my bookmarks labeled “Idiots Everywhere”. It has rapidly filled up over the last 2 years, increasingly more as time passes. What has happened to people’s brains? I have my theories, but most of it I put down to the cause and effect mentioned in the book of Romans. Depraved minds lead to irrational thoughts and even worse actions.
Hi Justin. I have been subscribed to you for $10/month to for months and yet substack says I'm not subscribed and I can't get into your paywall articles. PLEASE leave a link for me to get this issue resolved.
Of those 5% - do you know how that breaks down? Are they pro- or anti-vaccine? Pro- or anti-ivermectin?
As for 'virtue signaling', do you only count masking - or also the wearing of yellow stars?
Seems a simplistic way of looking at this issue
why do doctors have to sue hospitals and ask judges to decide to give people life saving medicine??? sorry off topic but pertinent I think, important even,
The Pfizer, Dr Fauci, and Andy Cuomo cringe queen
The comment section of that vidoe makes it tolerable.
Here’s the Cuomo one: