
Here are some items from the Federal Register that might raise eyebrows, focusing on potential overreach, waste, or over-regulation:

Civil Nuclear Credit Program and Recapture of Credits: The Department of Energy is establishing a program to provide credits to nuclear power plants, with a provision to recapture these credits under certain circumstances1. This could be seen as government intervention in the energy market and raises questions about the criteria for awarding and recapturing these credits and whether they will truly benefit taxpayers or simply prop up failing industries. Some parties suggested the scope of the recapture provision should be expanded, while others opposed it2.

Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is expanding unlicensed use of the 6 GHz band, allowing very low power devices to operate in this spectrum3. While this may seem like a technical issue, the FCC is relying on computer simulations to justify the safety of these devices, and some stakeholders are criticizing the lack of transparency around these simulations4. There are also concerns that this could lead to interference with existing services56.

Changes to Board Membership and Administrative Committee for the Potato Research and Promotion Plan: The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is making changes to the board membership and administrative committee for the Potato Research and Promotion Plan7. This may be seen as an example of government overreach in agricultural markets.

Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment: The Comptroller of the Currency is adjusting civil monetary penalties for inflation8. This is a routine action, but it highlights how fines and penalties can increase over time, potentially impacting individuals and businesses.

Revisions to the Smoke Alarm Requirements in the Section 515 Rural Rental Housing and Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing Direct Loan Programs: The Rural Housing Service is proposing changes to smoke alarm requirements for federally funded housing to align with new standards9. This is presented as a safety measure, but it raises questions about the role of government in dictating specific requirements for private homes, with a potential impact on the cost and availability of housing.

Removal of Outdated Regulations by the Indian Health Service10. It is not clear what these outdated regulations are. The move could be seen as positive, but also could potentially have consequences for affected communities and how they access health services.

Draft Regulatory Guide: Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-Acid Storage Batteries for Production and Utilization Facilities: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is issuing a draft guide on the installation of lead-acid batteries11. While seemingly technical, this could be seen as an example of overregulation and potential overreach, with impact on businesses that use these types of batteries in production and facilities.

Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders, or Reviews: The International Trade Administration is conducting reviews on various trade matters1012. This shows the government's hand in regulating international trade.

Agency Information Collection Activities: Multiple agencies, including the Children and Families Administration7, the Comptroller of the Currency8, the Fish and Wildlife Service13, the National Institute of Standards and Technology14, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration1516 are seeking approval for information collection activities. This highlights the amount of data the government collects, raising questions about necessity and privacy. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency seeks to collect information to track the progress of its Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program17.

Privacy Act; Systems of Records: The Federal Labor Relations Authority is creating a new system of records for Privacy Act requests and appeals18. This raises concerns about the collection and storage of personal information.

Standardized Instructions and Format To Be Used for Interim and Final Progress Reporting: The Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council is seeking to renew a collection of information on progress reporting for grantees19. It is unclear what value such reporting provides and how effectively it is used.

National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions: The National Park Service is reviewing nominations for the National Register of Historic Places20. While this seems like a normal process, it can have implications for property owners and land use, particularly around private property rights.

These examples provide a glimpse into the wide range of activities that the government engages in, many of which may not be readily apparent to the average citizen. The potential for overreach, waste, and over-regulation is a recurring theme, suggesting a need for greater transparency and accountability in government operations.

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