It's time to help you get grounded and help you make sense of the world. The Justin Hart show on the answer, San Diego. And here's your host, Justin Hart. Oh, I am Justin Hart. Thank you so much for joining me today. This is our second week on the air. I am thrilled to be with the station here. We are excited to bring you some interesting news today.
I think some analysis, maybe some fun as. Uh, look, there, there's a lot of stuff happening here, uh, right now, uh, way across the pond. Over in Europe, in Davos, Switzerland, private jets are landing dozens by the day to take part in the World Economic Forum annual meeting. We're gonna talk more about that in a minute.
There's a lot that's happening in the news, and I think there's a lot that undergirds it, right? I mean, there's, there's stuff that happened. And you need to understand what's happening, but more importantly why it's happening. Right? Some of this stuff can be perplexing. Some of them, it seems bewildering, some of it seems really planned.
Here, I'll, I'll give you an example. You can do this in, in real time with me, okay? What I want you to do is you, if you pull up like Google or Google News, um, and what you can do is really interesting. You, it's a little part of the game, all right? Just type in any number between one and a thousand, okay? 5 43, 3 21, 12 9 99, and then add the words, new cases, and just hit enter.
Okay. Chances are you're gonna find that exact headline and that exact number referring to Covid cases Without fail. Without fail. So is this some type of conspiracy or are you living in the matrix? No, it's, it's actually a numbers game with, with 3000 plus county level entities in the. and half a dozen news rags in each of those geographies.
Coupled with 1000 days now of the pandemic, there's at least 9 million opportunities there to hit any one of these four digits, and that's just the United States. You go across the world and you have it done. So it may seem like someone's kind of pulling the threads and injecting the numbers into there, and that this is all kind of planned out and that it's all you're, you're all, you're all just basically waking up like.
Uh, like, like Keanu Reeves and The Matrix at some point, right? Hopefully it's not that dramatic, but in truth, it's just a numbers game and sometimes our head plays funny things with us, but there are some conspiracies that are true. You recall early on, we've been talking about the Twitter files. That is Elon bought Twitter for 44 billion and apparently that is the.
Of free speech that, uh, we were able to actually reveal that almost every government acronym was pleading and prodding and shaming Twitter into taking down our posts on social media. One in particular from a lawsuit that I filed, we got FOIA documents. That is Freedom of Information Act. You can file these and get those back from the government.
It'll tell you emails and exchanges that you've had on specific keywords. Well, we, we wanted to know what the government was talking about as far as the vaccines go. One of the elements was, uh, some information where the government was telling Twitter and telling Facebook and meeting with them on a weekly basis and saying, Anyone who men mentions that the vaccine can throw off your menstrual cycle, that needs to be taken down.
That that is, that needs to be taken down right now. Anyone who mentions, for example, heart issues or blood clots with the vaccine, that that needs to be taken down, we go take that down. Twitter, will you? And they would pressure and prod them even over the White House, presser pulpit. Jen Psaki, the the former press secretary of the White House.
She would do it. Vek Murphy. The search general current search, general, he, he would shame them and they would call it misinformation. Turns out both of those things, all those things are true. So what happens there? Who's pulling the strings? Well, let's back up just a little bit and just talk about the impact of what's going on here.
Because the way that I look at someone Broke America, someone, something has truly wrecked the world right now, and in this nightmare scenario now we find our. Neighbors have turned into a agoraphobe. Teachers fear their students. Children are muzzled, citizens are censored. Dystopian fictions have become a reality, and unelected officials are creating a biometric police state.
Oh, and, and people are masking up their cats and dogs. I kid you, God, that's the thing. But you, you didn't imagine that. The pandemic is slowly receding in our back mirror. Rear rear view mirror. , but we need to be apprised because that stuff happened and we live with the consequences of, frankly, a world gone mad.
Now, in truth, much of this didn't start with coronavirus pandemic. It w it was already latent in big government and big corporations, especially those of a leftist spent, and it's not gonna end here, right? If it ever does end right, COVID 19, kind of if you will, weakened the immune system of America revealing a decaying underbelly of confusion, panic, unease, and cowardice.
And that cowardice, that cowardice turned viral as much as the virus did. And, and in that fear, our health overlords, these unelected bureaucrats that we gave so much power to, they threw away the pandemic response. They tried beyond all reason to protect every single person from the disease and ended up protecting no one from massive Over-testing universal plexiglass installs, stay-at-home orders, stay away from school orders, mandating masks, vaccines, uh, to some of the worst restrictions on civil liberties in American history.
This is an epic story that poses some big questions about America's future as a free. And the odd thing happened is that all, all this happened with a virus that by all standards is really considered moderate by pandemic standards. It's a, it's a real virus that actually did happen, but compared to like the 1918 pandemic, this is, this is relatively moderate.
It's definitely worse than the flu we had in 2017, 18. But I have to tell you, the numbers are, and even before the vaccine, it turns out that 85% of the people under the age of 65, if you're under the age of 65, that counts for about 85% of the population in the United States. You had a better chance of dying from the flu, believe it or not, it, it was a panic.
It was a full on planet. So today I wanna kinda sift through those broken shards that are all around. And document how we lost our ever-loving minds. Right. A and I also wanna bring in that, you know, maybe there is some oh oh seven villains sitting in some hollowed out volcano layer pulling all the strings.
I, I don't know for sure. It's not my theory. I think if we, if we fixate on that, it's uh, it's too easy to, uh, to miss the real details where we can really hit them on, because we're going to have to hit back on. . Otherwise it'll come back again. How's your gas stove doing, by the way? It's just an example.
We'll talk about that later. But look what, here's what happened. Every year, humans endure a flu season, a period denoting the high watermark of that year's respiratory viral pathogens, right? And believe it or not, we still have strains of flus from past pandemics and past viruses. The 1889 Russian flu still.
1918 Spanish Flu. Still here, 1957 Asian Flu, 1968 Hong Kong Flu, the 2009 H one N one. All of these various strains of nasty bugs, they rear their head every single year. And so in late 2019, what happened was a, a new novel, a new a, a unknown pathogen appeared on the scene, a bug from the Coronavirus family, and the Corona is used to describe the spike like structure of these particles.
In fact, about a third of the common cold are coronaviruses, but this one was new. Its official title was given SARS dash C O v dash two. SARS means severe acute respiratory syndrome. COV two means coronavirus two, and this particular virus can call a, it can cause a disease, which was. Covid 19, coronavirus Disease 2019.
Now you know what all the acronyms mean, right? The disease is thought to. Originated in China. Of course. Found significant human. Human to trans, human to human transmission. , it's novel because prior infections to other pathogens do not seem to create the antibodies within your body to tackle the newfound disease within the human being.
So officials raise the alarm about potential mortality. Witness from covid 19 governments across the world. They scrambled to address and protect the populations from what quickly became a pandemic. Efforts ranged from string. Two downright authoritarian and results were missed, to say the least. In early 2022, it was thought that Sar c o v two, uh, and in covid 19, they would just basically join the panoply of viruses and diseases.
That's the, that's the short version. Okay. What I just gave, that's, that's what happened in the last three years. That's the stair rail version. Here is what actually transpired. Now I'm gonna walk you through this. It's about 20 different things. This is sort of the, this is setting the stage. This is the timeline of what transpired.
Global elites ramped up significant efforts to reshape the world in the last decade, and they do this to address a host of perceived inequalities and imagined boogeyman like climate change. These global leads were bolstered by a host of corrupt institutions, which included the w h. Big pharmaceutical companies, world wealth and health players like Bill Gates and yes, the World Economic Forum.
So with the emergence of this new virus, these groups pounced at the vulnerable moment to put their plans into action to retool the world with a host of proposals. And this is known as the Great Reset. The Coronavirus response was, Just the first sort in this plan. Now, I'm not saying that they unleashed it purposely.
I don't have evidence for that and I think that's probably a little bit too conspirator. Conspiratorial don't, don't attribute to malice what is probably ineptitude. That's always your role when you're dealing with, with governments, large or small. So, Governments across the world under the threat of the serious mortality, real or imagined, they caved to that plan of action, which utilized these, these never before seen cram downs of individual rights, right?
Massive financial expenses, enhanced authority overhauls, and this set the stage for a shift of power free speech, right to assembly, right to bodily autonomy, representative government in all form. It kind of fell by the wayside marginalized within months of the first cases in almost every country. And, and this newfound power, this framework, allowed this movement to latch onto what we call before that decaying carcass of our fragile democracies.
They also played on our societal empathies, right? When, when death is on the line, no one wants to sort of stand in the way of that. we're all walking on eggshells, and most of our politicians are certainly doing so they're anxious about the upcoming election. It was 2020. After all unprecedented global lockdowns of a population.
It disrupted the entire flow of commerce and all of our relationships. Trillions of tax dollars then flowed into the coffers of every connected and corrupt institution under the guise of protecting the global populace from this apocalyptic pathogen. , let's get alliteration. Populace from a populative pathogen.
I won't say that five times fast, but here's, here's the deal. You got some of that money too, and it sort of became a balm, a, um, a sop. It became something to, you know, you, you're, you're not allowed to go out and plow your field, but here's, here's $5. So disruptive businesses were bought. Zero cost loans, right?
Grants. Keep the employees on board, keep the money flowing. We won't destroy the economies all at once. And a massive testing regime was set up to catch the widest number of Covid 19 infections possible, right? The chosen test array, what was called the the P C R test could pick up the remnants of a virus at five days or 75 days.
Hospitals were designated as the first point of care, and this ensured a massive wave of anxiety and alarming essentialism of power. And that's, that still fell today. So deaths were then counted at the widest possible latitude, and this, this ensured a prominent psychological impact at every turn. We just did that little case study beforehand, right?
Remember you Googled the a certain number between one and a thousand. And added the word new cases. You looked it up. Oh, sure enough. It's there in the news cuz why wouldn't it be? Right? Governments bought and paid off entities to ensure compliance and a global deterrence was crafted. Ward off any pre hospitalization treatments that might be the biggest crime, perhaps of covid 19.
Aside from the harm it caused our. , which was the notion that if you got sick, you'd either get better or you'd have to go to the er. There was no take two aspirin and call me in the morning. Actually, surprisingly enough, aspirin works pretty well. That's covid 19 for certain cases. So the end game was focused on the ultimate prize.
This revolutionary vaccination framework thought to be the next generation in global medicine and health. So an unprecedented wave of funding. Government collusion was established to roll out vaccines across the world. Government mandates range from coercive inconvenience to full on house arrest. You could lose your job, your bank account, your freedom one fell swo, right?
Simplistic mechanisms for mask wearing were instituted. Kind of an outward sign of faith in this new religion, right? Politicians could wipe their hands of outcomes by pointing to the lack of use of such procedures as a real cause of the growth of cases, right? Children. Children were targeted for right propagandist approaches, and that ensured that the most vulnerable parts of our society were utilized as a Blu.
Against anyone going against the grain wave after wave of virus variants proved of great excuse when vaccines didn't perform as expected. Strategic gaslighting was then employed by health officials to distract from massive failures and to top it all off war followed up to cover up the disaster. Now all of this was designed to latch onto a virus.
That many assert had unnatural origins and the ramifications of a manmade virus set loose upon the world by accident or on purpose, that should frighten us more than the virus itself. And the only thing scarier is the reaction that I just laid out for you. Someone, someone has been playing God and it appears they're just getting started.
And the funny thing is, They're saying this quiet bit out loud. You know, back some years, if you even whispered aloud the words New World order, you'd certainly get a side eye from every right thinking American. And now the conspiracy is an emitted fact. These globe trotting alerts, they just blurt out their radical agenda without naria thought.
I've heard the confabs of Davos to health forums in Washington DC These these high-minded. They're looking to totally reshape society and they intend to, to reformulate what it means to be a citizen of the world. They're, they're installing leaders who share that same vision and, and they don't have to pull in these strings.
They just have to plant the seeds early enough and get the people in power. What was you, if you get in their way? So Klaus Schwab, he's the head, longtime head of the World Economic Forum. I think he's been there for some 50 years. So in 2017 though, things really, really started ramping up. So he's the head of this, uh, world Economic Forum.
He spoke at Harvard's John f Kennedy's School of Government. This is back in 2017, and among his humble brags at that event, he says, We are, what we are very proud of is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our W E F Young Global leader. I think I'm doing that accent right. That's maybe a, a young Arnold Schwarzenegger may, maybe I'll preclude that accent going forward.
But he goes on to claim that half of the Trudeau cabinet in Canada subscribe to his. Among other world countries and everything else. So he and I, I, I recommend that Schwab perhaps adopt a different adjective. He used penetrate all the time as his main adjective. That theme's a little too spot on. So at another forum, he places the, the W e F and his foundation, pretty much center of everything.
He says, the world must become aware of the fantastic transformational power of social entrepre. Social entrepreneurship is, is really, it's kind of code for companies and governments becoming authoritarian thought police to recast society on a woke ideology that feeds only those initiated into the cause.
I'll say that again. So when they say social entrepreneurship, it's businesses, governments, non-government entities, and all coming together for. Very big vein of authoritarianism and they're trying to completely reshape and recast society along the lines of this very woke ideology, and it's only going to benefit those who sign on for the program.
So look, the first line of their quote mission on their website is they engage the foremost political business and cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agenda. Look, these are, these are leftist political think tanks, and they're vying for a massive takeover, the world, right?
And, and again, I, I wish I could be, you know, hide this behind some conspiratorial thing. The, these, they say it out loud. The, the Great Reset is not just some type of great book by Mark Murano. I know Glenn Book, Glenn Beck has one too, but it's a, it, it's an actual brainchild of the W E f, that's their phrase.
They, they wanted to build back better with this great. Uh, and, and you know, they, they saw the pandemic as this very rare but narrow window of opportunity to reimagine and reset the world. That's a quote. Uh, and, and, you know, they're, they're basically employing some of the tactics that we've seen from leftist radicals, right?
You, you remember Saul Linsky and he wrote that, that great book, rules for Radicals, right? Never let a crisis go to. Here's a quote from Linsky. You may not know. Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of non-exec exist existent abstract world. Can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict.
Those of you who know Dwight Schrute from the office when he was broadly quoting Mussolini unknowingly, he said, blood alone moves the wheels of history, right? These, these are changes that they're proposing in a regime change across the world. It's going to be expensive, not only in monetary value, but probably in in lives as well.
Um, and, uh, that's when you know these pain points come in and we'll probably be experiencing a lot of those here in 2023. So stay tuned cuz I want to be along here for the ride and help you Don't accept the balm that Klaus Schwab will offer you. It'll soothe your pain points and all you do is need to surrender your freedoms.
You can fight it or you can change your behavior. And all this is dripping down into various aspects of American life. And, and it's funny cuz they, they try to set low expectations not for themselves. They have very high aspirations. They want you to set your expectations very low. They had a, uh, an article on the W E F website called psychologists Say, A Good life doesn't have to be happy.
or even meaningful . So they're trying to set your expectations low and keep you sort of under thumb there. They've got, uh, big proposals, a lot of 'em going out through, uh, the Netherlands and through Scandinavia. Uh, they're, they're, they're doing tests where they have a, a single bicycle that is afforded to three different families who are sharing a flat and they can all share those to get to work or other.
Uh, you may have heard that they're trying to do away with, uh, you know, uh, meat and, and that's an actual thing, . And so they, they, they actually have proposals on there for food innovations to put crickets and insects at the, the head of the table there and, and make that part of the, the big food pyramid.
What a crazy scene. It seems. It seems a little bit off kilter that they would do this, but they really do believe. And they want you to be there for it, right? So, uh, this is what they're, they're going to be proposing. And here in the United States, this seems to have taken an effect on several levels. So take for example, salt Ava Law Professor Cornell University, some pretty deep ties to Soviet styled education.
She was nominated by the Biden administration to run the office of the comptroller of currency. Now, her nomination was withdrawn because they couldn't hide her radical agenda. Uh, even the Democrats couldn't do that, so they would've installed this person. But her whole thing was a national investment authority.
Essentially, it would be a, a government takeover of corporate America and all of its investments. There was one, one Nominat. Of this same sort of cut from the same cloth, Gary Gensler and Gary is actually in there. He is, uh, I think one of the, uh, he's the one of the chairs of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
uh, and he really does, uh, apply to this entire doctrine. He's the one who's been a huge advocate of E S G, which stands for Environmental, social and Governments scores. These are scores that, uh, the w e F and others place on companies, and they do so in such a way. To, uh, to basically assure that, that you remain under their thumb.
If, if your company has to score high, uh, you're not gonna get that global loan, you're not gonna get that favored trade arrangement. And, uh, it becomes basically a, a sort of a buy-in to this entire thing. And in the near future, under the weight of pressures from folks like Gensler, Ava, president, Biden, and beyond American companies.
Had to paint their walls rainbow in any given month. Submitting daily reports on the number of Wicken, transgender, non-bar binary fish, people that have been hired that day. I could be wrong, but we'll, we'll see where this comes about, but it's, um, it's gonna be quite the ride. The mantra is, is still embraced today.
And next we'll be talking about. What role Dr. Fauci plays in this? Stay tuned. Come back in a moment. This is Justin Hart.
Look, you know, something is crazy wrong about the world sometimes. You see it every day around you from crazy covid policies to government censorship, a rollercoaster economy in the growing wave of powerful technologies that's probably gonna impact your life, definitely impact your kids' life, and for sure it's gonna impact your grandkids.
And that's why I'm here. I'm Justin. I'm the host of the new show on K C B Q, the answer, 10:00 AM Sundays, let's help you get grounded, helping you make sense of the world.
All right, now that we've had a moment to clear our pallet, I tell you every time I, I talk about this, I have to go take a shower because it just seems so icky. And, and again, you know, I, I wish I were being conspiratorial, but they're just saying this straight out, loud, and I, I bring it up to you because they're meeting in Davos this week, and one of the big economic questions is, what do they do about the coming recession?
Remember, they, they jumped, they jumped into that gap of covid so quickly, and on the finance side, well, there's gonna be a lot of stuff coming outta the pipeline, but let's. About how Dr. Fauci enters this picture and how he fits into this global alliance cuz he's been the one setting the policy for this last three years on this entire endeavor.
The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the N I A I D, head of the White House Covid Task Force. It's unclear exactly when he was converted or even recruit. Into this sphere of influencers, but it, it's very clear that he adheres to these philosophies in very unique ways. Uh, now this wasn't always the case, it seems with, with his longtime co-author.
His name is David Moz. Dr. Fauci is penned numerous articles over the last several decades. Most of these are pretty dry reflecting infectious disease scholarship, but, but over the years, The recommendations and the scope of what he wants to discuss there have cate. So like almost 20 years ago, 2004, he wrote a piece about the emerging and reemerging infectious diseases around the world.
And he talks about how it's clear that the surveillance methods that we use, the activities are, are not, not at all what we need. And he says, um, he says, we, we need to move beyond diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. But he doesn't mention what those were or what those would. We know what they would be.
We just would experience those. So a couple years later, he's talking about the 1918 Spanish flu, and he says that, you know, we must continue to examine and investigate this tragedy and allow it to stand as a clear example of our challenge to complacency. As a modern problem with future implications and a grim reminder of the importance to humanity of continuing the fart of emerging reemerging infectious diseases.
I can't do a Fauci accent very well, but I'll just sort of amplify the crazy parts of what he says. Complacency, that's gonna be a phrase that would come up again and again. So in 2012, he pens another. This one talking of the, we had just gone through the H one N one virus, right? And he talks about these perpetual changes and how mitigation was no longer a goal.
We must now fully eliminate the diseases eradication was his notion there. As I mentioned, look, these infectious diseases from the 1889 Russian flu, they're still with us. You can't eradicate them, especially when you realize that like in covid 19, A third of all the deer population has covid, but you're gonna vaccinate all the deers.
So the, the next year, Fauci and Morans, this is 2013, now, they talk about this battle of infectious diseases and how, you know, we, we have to have this as a continual process. And, and you know, to be fair, a lot of infectious disease experts that I've come to know over the last few years, they fall prey to this very strong narcissism that I think is what we can all attest to.
Dr. Fauci has at least a taste of that's putting it kindly. I mean, they, they really do see themselves like, like Dustin Hoff. In the 1995 movie outbreak heroically tracking down this infectious lab monkey to save the world. But in reality, they're Cadillac, epa, inspector Walter Peck and Ghostbusters, right?
And they're shutting down the containment mechanisms, letting all the ghouls low. I mentioned this last week. That's really how they picture themselves, right? And so they go on to reveal all of these things that they try to do, and then you fast forward to September, 2020. And Dr. Fauci with his renowned fame continues to lead the charge of Covid, and he publishes this article and he talks about the prescription for America as we enter the next wave of the pandemic.
And he says that, you know, I wish we had a, a way that we could live in greater harmony with nature. But he says that's gonna require some changes, some changes in human behavior. Radical changes that may take decades to achieve rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence. Oh, there it is, a full world economic forum convert, one of Klaus Schwab's installations.
Uh, he wants us to live in greater harmony, but it's gonna require changes in human behavior. And who gets to decide those changes? Well, you don't because you don't get to vote for Dr. Anthony Fauci. He concludes this article in September, 2020. He says, Hey, since we can't get back to ancient times, can we least use the lessons of those times to bend modernity in a safer direction?
And this is what it is. It's a far cry from where he started, but the impacts are very notable. Look in, uh, his 2006. Bestselling Book America alone, Mark Stein, the author and radio host, and otherwise he, he describes kind of the two core challenges that threaten our society. No babies and no backbone and and world elites have so emboldened the wide ranging assumptions over population That old age is now a predominant feature.
For the first time, it was just reported this last. China's population did not grow. You heard that, right? The massive billion plus people in China is actually growing, growing smaller. Why? Well, they have no major immigration to speak of, and they adopted this one child policy, and now you have literally like the size of half the United States, probably some 200 million.
Chinese male, young men in their thirties who have no chance, no chance for a family because not only did they adopt the one child policy, there was selective sex abortion all over the place. And so the ratio of males to females is very, very small. Is is much, much more pronounced in China than it is in other countries.
Literally, if, if you are a. Woman from China, you can write your ticket for life because they'll, they'll actually hold forums. You know who, who wants to be a suitor and they'll line up by the hundreds, what a crazy scene. But this is what they want. Right. And, and so since the release of, of the book, America's Fertility Rate, that is the, the number of children born per female citizen has fallen to about one point.
The only thing saving America from further falling is, uh, our immigration waves. In Japan, for example, there's no immigration at all. I think it's actually illegal to immigrate to Japan. You can go live there for a little bit, but you can't become a Japanese citizen necessarily. The fertility rate there is 1.3 births per woman without immigration, right?
And so they're getting old and they're, they're gonna become a less functioning. And this is what they envisioned. Klaus Schwab, you know, he envisions this very small, utopian state run enterprises, and he says, no one will own every anything. Everything is on loan from a higher authority and you will be happy.
The problem is that a lot of these programs require a lot of wealth to sustain them, right? The social society nets and everything. and that in our current outlay, both on both sides of the hill requires debt. And so why does it matter if we have kids? Well, if you don't have kids, you don't have anyone to stick the bill to.
So if you're a progressive out there, you better be hoping that we have a lot of kids cuz there's, you gotta have someone to stick the bill to, right? So couple these unseemingly facts. With a sentiment that pride in one zone nation is an abhorrent thing. That's what the left teaches, that's what they teach us around the world.
Right? And you have a recipe for kind of global disaster. The framework on competitiveness is not just an economic necessity, it's the, it's the baseline of geopolitical piece. If you don't put up a fight, uh, you know, the decay framework of America seems awfully close to declaring families with too many kids.
An unpatriotic venture, and it turns out society actually does need people to function. Believe it or not, the, the most important joke in the world is knock-knock, who's there. And if someone is not on the other side, you, it could cause some, some real issues. As we found out during the pandemic, when you got rid of a lot of people, uh, trotting up and down the Vegas.
All of a sudden, all the sewage started backing up. You have lots of problems because you, you design a city around a certain amount of population and people flushing, uh, or you know, when you have everybody sit at home inside, all of a sudden takeout orders become a, a primal rage. You gotta go fight for your last thing of tepe because the manufacturers had to reproduce all the, the nice cuff, uh, nice comfy, uh, uh, bear quality tissue that you have at home.
Versus the big reams that you mount onto the stalls at a stadium or a school or a business park. These, these are things that no one thought about, but the thing is mortality, it, it kind of does funny things to people, right? There's a, uh, you know, an ancient saying around these things, and it all goes towards different work attitudes.
And, and some of them, um, can be very successful in cultures and some of them can be very detrimental. So we need to look out for. and we need to look at why it is that we put such a burden on our kids. Uh, a lot of kids growing up have this huge anxiety, anxiety that the world is gonna end and it's gonna end because they, they didn't turn off their parent's stove.
Right? It's the threat of death and it's become, you know, the, the cause Deur de quell and quash the, the core of freedoms given by, And ennobled by our constitution, the right to assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, all that jammed down sometimes indiscriminately, in many cases executed by unelected officials.
And these things can become sticky. Now, you may not have to take, uh, PCR tests right now, or a stay-at-home order test like you did back in the winter of 2021 or the, the late fall. , but, uh, you know, who does the movie industry? So here's the movie industry. We love Hollywood, right? Lots of, lots of fun stuff happens there.
Lots of crazy things come outta there, but it's entertainment and we all enjoy it to a certain a degree, right? Well, guess what? Every single movie set now has dedicated people towards covid safety. Every actor for a last minute gig, a stand-in, they all have to get PCR tests. , but they don't mind because if they have to do it on their own time, they get reimbursed.
A nice penny, probably a hundred dollars per pcr, and then there are full-time and people employed thousands of them across the industry. There's no chance that they're going back on that. So these things become sticking. You don't, you don't recognize it. By the way, when was the last time you were in Home Depot?
You take a look. I think they still have those big plexiglass sheets up. That seems kind of on point for do Home Depot. You know, like someone in the executive forum or maybe just a local store said, oh my gosh, the C D C just recommended that we install plexiglass to help curb the COVID 19 pandemic. This is our moment brethren, and they go into the back and they find these big metal tea bars, and then they bring the forage plexiglass.
They installed it right on the site. They built 60 of them right? Overnight. I mean, it was their calling right? . It turns out plexiglass actually makes things worse, but no one seems to have told the Home Depot last time I was in one here in San Diego, they still had 'em up. So curiously, the key culprit in all this is society's acquiescence to the demand that we forfeit our constitutional rights and it's tough, right?
I would say a good portion, probably the majority of people didn't want to step on people's to. Didn't want to be accused of killing Grandma didn't wanna get in the fight, and a lot of people could afford it. And it was a, it's a difficult proposition, I have to say. It was at a Christmas party here. Uh, one of my friends and, and they've actually done very well for themselves, we're about the same age, had about the same education, but he bet, right?
I guess. And he has this great big house, uh, here in San Diego, but he's always so generous and they had this fabulous Christmas party, but I hadn't seen him in a while. And I got a little bit of the cold shoulder whenever I tried to bring up what I was doing Now, uh, I brought a couple copies of my book cuz someone asked for.
I gone viral how covid trove the world. Insane. I saw on a table someone would pick up the book and quickly put it down and, and uh, they went along as I recall, on Facebook and otherwise, pretty distinctly with everything they were, they were, you know, routing it along. I come to find out later that they used to have private teachers and tutors come in for their kids.
Uh, the neighbors would all coalesce around one thing. Uh, they spent a good Porsche of the pandemic outside the country cuz they could. . Right. And uh, also, you know, when you, when you go against a grain, you lose a lot of friends. As I've come to find out. It's not an easy thing to stick your neck out for something.
Right. But it's probably the right thing. Although I don't know if I were in their situation and, and the, the prospects of sticking out my neck against the grain, going against mask mandates, speaking up at school board meetings, calling out elected officials, Ramping up efforts to try to get someone installed that can think insanely about covid.
If that cost me my friends or maybe my job, I don't know, would I stick my neck out? It's a difficult prospect to see. I hope. I hope you think strongly about that cuz I think it's only when we stick our neck out for the, the rights that are taken away, but they won't get taken away. And you know, this eggshell walking routine we find ourselves in is a one-way.
The great reset, they expect quite a bit of pain and bloodshed as long as its intent is to build back better so the, the blood must flow in the right direction according to them. Right? Likewise, only these enlightened are entitled to claim offense and harm of their own selves and retribution, even physical or monetary recompense, right?
It, it's perfectly acceptable if those who deal the first. Hold on. The, the hold onto the right views, right? The group has twisted the childhood rhyme into their own reasoning with sticks and stones. I'll break your bones because your words offend me. Do you remember all that and how when we went out early in the pandemic and protested the closing of our business?
Our schools, the major de detriments of all the, the interventions that the government foisted on us. We were called baby killers. We were infecting grandma, but when just a few months later, they started rioting for the right reasons, they were given a pass as one. Uh, epidemiologists put it, the, the issues that this group is fighting for during the summer of these particular riots was far more important than any sort of super spreader that they might entail.
So with scales weighted leeward and the constant threat of entrapment is posed to, to catch anyone speaking out of line, society, it seems kind of simply ready to give up the ghost. Very few chose to risk their good standing in society when the implications of their pushback was, was tantamount to again, grandma Killer.
That was a a, a very familiar refrain, but I think, I think we're coming around and I think a lot of people recognize that it's time to sort of push back on this stuff as well. The World Economic Forum is meeting right now and they're talking about all sorts of proposal. Interestingly enough, our pushback may have impacted a little bit.
Just got news that Klaus Schwab wasn't o show for the event. Some health reasons. Also, bill Gates at the last minute decided not to come. Hmm, my good friend Jordan Schwartel, who writes online, he, he got a, a, a list of all the people that were. From across the world attendees. An a attendee list among them was like Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia.
And, um, well, he rescinded and said he wasn't going. And then also George Soros the emperor himself, he decided not to go. Uh, so I, I, I don't know what that means. Maybe they felt like they needed to let things cool over, and that's perhaps the risk that we face right now. Is that as things cool down, they solidify, like, have you noticed the price of gas?
And here in San Diego, I think it's hovering in the high $4, low $5 range. Those of you who are listening across the country, yes, our gas is pricey here. Thank you Gab Newsom. But, but think about it like, I remember when, when gas was high at three 50, creeping into. and now we're at four 80, creeping into five 20.
And, and when I see it drop below $5, I go, oh, I'm so thankful for that. Isn't that the analogy of how you boil a frog? Right? Just very slowly, very slowly. Doesn't even need notice. Just imperceptively. And then he is dead, right? A and these things are, are not small. They, they actually have very, very strong intention.
So somewhere along the way, this madness has over overtaken us and we need to sort of get it back. Um, and, and really there's no excuse for the crazy bend over backwards while mask nonsense that we created during the pandemic. It hurts to recount just a few of these things, but, um, some of them are, are, are funny as well.
Uh, the, it's just, it's a little crazy, right? I mean, common sense was kind of the first casualty. Late stage status emotionalism, that's kind of where we are, right? Uh, the quintessential moment for me was when I saw two gentlemen riding on a roller coaster and it was in a reopened amusement park in Asia.
They were both fully masked, they were executives with the, the park there, and it was thought that loud voices, this is great, loud voices on a rollercoaster might spread covid further. So, They just, uh, the ride recommends that you quote, scream inside your hearts. I'm sure that translates better in Japanese than it does in the, in an English brain, but scream inside your hearts.
Then that's that kind of an AP analogy for demonstrating just how much covid crushed common sense. And, and this, you know, impacted every business, every dogma. Uh, and, and I remember one social media post, it was a priest. He was fully masked. He was standing 10 feet from a mother. Between them, the baptismal font and uh, the infant was adorned in their baptismal dress, held a loftlike Simba, the lion king on pride rock, and the priest fills a squirt gun with holy water and performances sacred ritual while social.
Right. Uh, another observer sent me a screenshot or a a picture, and this was over in the UK of how ridiculous the new heightened levels of hygiene were for every act of life. His building required quote, finger colts to operate the elevator. Tiny little finger, I don't know, plastic things that you roll over your finger before you summon the lift with a button, right?
Everyone will be safer. Back in North America, uh, just north of us, Calgary Canada. Right. Very concerned about the transmission of Covid in October Halloween, 2020. Right. So he demonstrated how you could take a, a big cardboard tube and a roll from, you know, like a, a roll of wrapping paper and use that as a dispensary to slide down candy to the little goblins coming for sweets at the.
Six feet do social distancing. Right? And I, I'm guessing not a few kinder eggs got cut in the middle of that makeshift delivery there. Protections. Precautions were everywhere. And you know, we had to all dawn those face diapers. We had the vaunted vaccines, the teams of people that grew around us. It was, it was a crazy scene.
So I, I challenge people. Go back and look at where you were. And the kindness interpretation, uh, that I have is that this fear mongering really did take hold of us. People are are very empathetic and caring. No one wanted to cross their friends or be the cause of any pain. But when the sacrifice is the rights of your children and your own guaranteed constitutional rights, somehow they put the Constitution into a com.
and then the forces like Klaus Schwab swept in to make sure they could pull the plug and keep it off of life support. I remember waking one morning March, 2020, I'd already put out a bunch of articles and um, I was kind of out other, I was out over my skis for sure on this stuff. I'm, I'm not an epidemiologist, I'm not a healthcare expert.
I just like working. I like America and I, I, all my businesses were shuttering. . I said, what is going on? So I stuck myself out there. I said, I, I'm a numbers guy. And when I ran the numbers, I said, I think something's amiss. And I was really, uh, concerned. I remember calling a friend late last night, late in the night, March, 2020, what if I'm wrong?
What if this is really as bad as they say it was? And then Dr. Johnny Anitas published an article, the Most Cited Living Medical Scientist, and he says, Is this a fiasco in the making? The data of the coronavirus we're making terrible decisions. And uh, he said this might be a once in a century data fiasco.
And he goes on to lament the decisions that we're making. He said, if we decide to jump off the cliff, we need some data to inform us about the rationale of such action and the chances of landing somewhere safe. Well, we jumped off the. We fell hard and this book is an examination of the deadline all around us.
My book, uh, gone Viral, how Covid changed the World Inside, uh, how, how Covid changed the World. But it's not just the Covid 19 dead, but it's our institutions, our trust, the careers, the education, the loss potential, the world lying in Shareds all around us, but I'm always an optimist. And I have incredible confidence that this is going to spur us to powerful action.
So hope you'll join me Next week, we're gonna talk about what some of those actions can be. I'm Justin Hart for the Justin Hart Show. Thanks for joining me today.
You've been listening to the Justin Hart show. Tune in again next Sunday morning at 10. Right here on the answer, San Diego.
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