[00:00:00] It's time to help you get grounded and help you make sense of the world. The Justin Hart show on the answer, San Diego. And here's your host, Justin Hart. Good morning, San Diego. It is Sunday. It is early, but we are still kicking around here. I'm so glad to be back in town. I'm sad to say though that the weather out in DC is better than it.
In San Diego in late March and April. Why is that right? I pay my Sunshine tax. Where is it? What's going on? Look I was in DC as some of and have been listening to the show, we've been talking about this. My wife and I we head up a group called Rational. We are a group of ragtag experts, moms and dads, and kids and analysts.
And over the [00:01:00] last three years we've been the head of the spear, the tip of the spear leading the charge against crazy covid policies. And what's really cool is that we've been proven right on so much. Over the last year especially, it just shows if you stick your neck out for truth eventually it's gonna come terrifically together for you.
And we all came terrifically together on March 29th, and I'm here to give you the report of our visit to Capitol Hill. Now, we've done a couple conferences. We had a conference here in San Diego in. We've been around to Alachua, Florida. We've been to Miami, we've been to Texas. We went to New Hampshire.
We went to a host of other places where we were either hosting events or being part of events that were all [00:02:00] coagulating together. The people who took it upon themselves to fight this tooth and nail, and particularly for our kids. But this. We were headed to Washington DC and this wasn't for a conference, this was for what they call an old fashioned fly-In the fly-in is where you bring people from around the country and you take Capitol Hill the right way.
That is, you set up one-on-one appointments with the offices of your congressional representatives and senators up on Capitol. We've been pushing this for a little bit here on our website. Our host, our of the radio show. Posterity Pack is it was a big sponsor of this as well, and we basically went to Capitol Hill with our feet, just excited to Trump all over the place.
And we did. We had 40 people plus show up for us there all the way from Texas, [00:03:00] California, Washington. We had Florida, we had Virginia and they were all there for a singular purpose to tell their stories to our elected representatives. That's something you could do, and it's actually something you could do just recently because after the January 6th protests, riots, whatever you want to call them on that day, they shut down the capitol.
And so for two years you could not as a citizen, go up on Capitol Hill unless you had a specific invitation. And now you can just go in if you're a citizen. This is it's always been, of course, for hundreds of years, which is go up to Capitol Hill, go find your representative. Speak your peace.
Tell your mind, tell 'em what you. And go on your merry way. And so we had these 40 people, we split up into about nine, 10 groups and we each had five or six meetings throughout the day. And that was pretty cool. [00:04:00] We took on the west coast ourselves here. We, we asked for a lot of meetings.
We got a lot of, sure you can drop some literature by, but we did actually get from some of the people that we were hoping to. Some invitations to sit down with them. And on March 29th, we chose that date because it was the three year anniversary of the extension of the Covid lockdowns. That's when President Trump and others got up in the White House there and on the rose Garden and said, The 15 days to slow the spread was being extended.
And it's my opinion that moment basically put the nail in our coffin for covid because it, it gave license to 3,200 unelected county officials and 50 state governors and 13,000 school districts to go willy-nilly on any policies that they felt they could get away with. And so we were up on Capitol Hill to say our piece about.
And our piece [00:05:00] was basically along these lines the Federal Covid emergency powers, which are set to expire now on, on May 11th. The impacts of those pandemic policies are gonna be felt for a generation. And we believe that lawmakers must act to ensure that this terrible infringement of Americans' constitutional rights never happens.
The Lockdowns, for example, The federal guidance and the healthcare policies, together with state and local mandates, they greatly harmed individuals, families, businesses, communities, from the stay-at-home orders to school closures, the incalculable loss of learning and earning. It'll be felt for decades to.
The loss of trust in our institutions those vital connections between citizen and government, those are not gonna recover without some type of action. [00:06:00] The fear and discrimination from mass testing to fear mongering projections of what the death tolls would be from mask mandates to vaccine mandates and discrimination.
The federal and state officials, they threw out the playbook. For a rational pandemic plan and instilled a culture of panic, agitation, and then later censorship. So this was our call to action. We've said, one, you have to resuscitate these constitutional rights. Emergency powers must never infringe incorrectly.
Just gotta put a caveat in there on freedom of speech assembly or freedom of religion. You must defund discrimination pass legislation to withhold federal funds from state, local, or NGOs who discriminate on the basis of vaccination status. Then we have to have truth and accountability. You have to uncover and hound, hold [00:07:00] accountable those who enacted these terrible policies because the impacts were so drastic.
They were, the Covid rules derailed learning for like 1.4 billion children across the. One in four young adults here in the United States, they had ideations of suicide, military suicides, up 20%. School closures basically increased child abuse because it's typically sharp eye teachers and administrators who call up these things, millions of cancer screenings missed.
Governments censored individuals and groups. Huge job losses. Of course, all the printing of that money that caused so many headaches. And so we were thrilled to go to Capitol Hill and I'm here to give you the report. So we got there early in the morning. It was beautiful. What's neat is yeah, unlike California the DC area and the HA has not experienced a big snowfall [00:08:00] this last year.
They usually get at least, five, 12 inches over the course of the early months. And depending on where things going, in some cases you can get 30, 40 inches in a. Dropping there, depending on what year it is in cycle, but they got very little snow. And so the cherry blossoms were out in season and that was delightful.
And my wife, Jenny and I, we took our three little kids. We have eight kids, as some of and we took our three little kids, they were five and four and ones, we had a little lap child, which is always fun with a layover flight. That was not fun at all, but that's right. We took him there and, My kids are into gymnastics now, so here they are, down the halls of co Congress in their incredibly cute dresses, doing cartwheels.
They were just so thrilled to be part of it, and we got to go into many congressional offices. So for example one of the ways we were able to get in is our good friend Jay Aria, who was one of the signers and creators of the Great Barrington Declaration and Stanford professor and a good.[00:09:00]
He came with us and that's always a great shoe in the door. And so we got in and sometimes the staffers were kinda filtering us to determine, who are you guys and why should we listen to you and should we have the representative sit down with you? We got in and our first meeting with was representative Gosar of Arizona, and that was fantastic.
He spent over 45 minutes with us, almost an. Just talking about, what legislation he would like to see in real time. Myself and Jay were coming up with these structures as to what the reform should be. So one of the forms he's keen on is reforming what the C d C does because the c d C would make these recommendations.
And what you'd happen, what would happen is you'd go down to the state, And you'd go to your county, like we'd go to former now county supervisor Nathan Fletcher. We'd say, Nathan, why are you guys doing this on the county level? And they said, what? Our hands are tied, it's up to the state, right?
So you go up to the [00:10:00] state and the state says, ah, The county has purview over that. So you go down to the county and the county says, we're just following the guidelines, guys. The guidelines set by the cdc, but there's no, these essentially were law. And they were followed to the T by, a majority of states, a and much to the chagrin of many of us down the ground.
But I got these cute little photos. Now I've got, representative Gosar and my little one year old idols up next to him and gives him. Her toys and everything. It was really cute. And he got out some pins from Arizona, which was delightful. We got to meet with congresswoman Lesko staff from Arizona, and of course, Congresswoman Bigg.
So Andy Biggs has been one of the true stalwarts during this pandemic. And unfortunately, you could count on one hand. The number of congressional representatives who actually stuck their necks out on this issue. And representative Gosar, but certainly Andy Bigs was right up there and he's already enacting legislation to see what [00:11:00] we can do there.
So we think there's some really powerful things we could do. We got to meet with Kevin Kylie, of course the newest freshman our, one of the newer freshmen from California up in the Sacramento. He was a funeral member, state assemblyman. And he did a fantastic job defending just freedoms up there.
So it was fantastic to get with him. And we spoke with him at length about these same issues. So o one of the things you remember, and if you're on my team, that was the thing is that, We've forgotten more about covid than most of these folks know right now. And so trying to get our heads around, okay, how do we what are the pieces of knowledge they're missing?
What are the pieces of knowledge we need to get to them? And what's the, what are the details we need to put in front of these people so that they have the right decisions to make there? And now part of the problem, It's off your election. There's no election this year except for in Virginia and in and in [00:12:00] New Jersey.
And those are local elections. So we have another year before the big presidential election comes up. And the question now is it's what do we do to put pressure on these people to try to enact some of this stuff? Even though there's a very slim margin in. And the Republicans don't have the Senate and President Biden is in there who's not been terribly amenable to changing anything on these, on these critical issues.
So that's why we go to the Hill. That's why we go there and we say, here is what you need to accomplish. And we had a great conversation. Now I heard from the other team members and they were also very positive. Now I would say they were cautious. A lot of people, if this was their first time to Washington, DC they they may have a different notion as to what it's all about, right?
Some of them had never even set foot into the Capitol building. And you have this idea and it's [00:13:00] understandable that it's. Irredeemable Swamp, right? That it's chock full of lobbyists and money rules the day and everyone is corrupt and no one will give you the time of day. Now, some of that is true.
But that last part, isn't it? We met with a couple democratic staffers and they very kindly listened to us. You could tell that some of them did not go well, but most of the ones that we had one-on-one meetings with because their constituents were there they listened.
They listened intently. And we actually got to meet with a congressman from the 19th District here in California out of Santa Clara. And he used the same line. Those were all local decisions, but he was very attentive and he listened to our good friend who was there. And this was a crazy scene to basically make this case.
We had tons of Democrats who were with us. Our good friend Emily Burns who ran for Congress for a short time up in [00:14:00] Massachusetts. She was there with her son. We had our good friends from San Diego here with their kids, and it makes an impact. And I'll never forget our good friends who are here from San Diego then moved to Utah.
They they had a letter brought from their now a 13 year old child. And she talked about just her terrible experience during the pandemic. And those are things that I hope these staffers never forget. Now, these staffers are really young. But they will absolutely convey these messages. And in many cases, we got with the congressman or the congresswoman himself, themselves.
We got with senators too. Our good friend Daniel Ko, who's the husband of Jennifer Se he he chewed the year off of Massey. Just so excited to see Congressman Massey in the halls of Congress and talked to him for a good length of time. Then we had our good friends at Restore Childhood, which is doing an excellent documentary and they brought their power and their kids.
It was just an incredible moment. So if you have a chance, go to our [00:15:00] website, rational ground.com. Take a look at that. You could see the pictures from the event. We had a mixer that night and it was really neat to see everyone. And I think the people who came in thinking this is an Irredeemable Swamp, said, okay, it's swampy.
There's some things that still work there, and it was nice to know that there is a listening ear and they will hear you out. And I think it's the squeakiest wheel gets to oil, and I think that's what we're gonna have to be for a little bit here. Here are some of the quotes that we had.
This is from our our the children who were there from our friends at restore childhood. And this was some of the quotes from their sub, from their post of their memory of the event. I was in the sixth and seventh grade and being online all the time, I was unable to focus, to be frozen in place and not know what to do for two or three weeks is unacceptable.
If you think school is essential then you were depriving children of an essential, right? [00:16:00] And that was age 15. A girl there. She was awesome. Here's another one. It was really tough because when I needed to do my work, I was trying, but I didn't really want. I looked at my house and there were so many toys to play with.
When you're at school, you see the toys, but you're focused on your work and you're with your friends at a table at home. You go outside, you just wanna play, and that was a child who was eight years old. When I spoke to my friends, they had their shield blockers on, so they couldn't hear me. Sometimes I saw them wearing shields outside talking about the masks and the shields, and these are impacts these kids had in dramatic ways.
I know our own children had the same issue at our local school here in San Diego. We sent 'em to a incredible preschool who stood up for our kids as best they could state licens. The state licensing crew here in, in California came down and threatened the school and gave them two a infractions.[00:17:00]
And for those of who don't know, that's the highest infraction you can get. This school had ever only gotten one other, a infraction in its 30 year history. And that was because a bookcase fell in a child's hands, and that was understandable. They took care of that and they were able to get that removed eventually, but they took some penalties for it.
Two a infractions. For kids not wearing masks, for kids not wearing masks. It was insane. Especially since all of these kids in the middle of the school day take off their masks and sleep next to each other for two hours. The nonsense is just ridiculous. I'll never forget that. Very proud father moment.
As the administrators were recounting to me when the state licensee, the crew came down and the kids were playing. And they said, the little girl calling my then four year old daughter Aria out and saying, why aren't you wearing a mask? And she says my dad [00:18:00] signed a piece of paper so I don't have to Also, he doesn't believe in them.
By I said, that's my girl. That's my girl. And it's complete nonsense because first of all, masks don't work. Second of all, there are no masks designed for. The OSHA who oversees the certification of mask wearing everything else they say on their website. Any mask that is marketed to children should be considered a fake mask because that's one of the signs because they don't fake these things for kids.
They're not four kids. Even like the N 90 fives, eh, we can go on forever. So we ended up talking with a bunch of representatives. We did a lot of flybys and certain flybys didn't go so well. I talked to one contingent, one of the groups there, and they spoke at length with I think it was the representative from Hawaii.
And the staff were there at the front desk, got so mad at her [00:19:00] and they got into it a little bit when I think they had to vacate real quick cuz it was not pretty. The look the passions are high on this. I can understand that especially when the government injected so much fear into the equation.
But we're to the point now where we're picking up the pieces. If you wanna look across the financial ruin that is coming upon the country right now because of terrible federal policies, that all started with Covid. That all started with the printing of money because we have to keep you at home because your job is not e.
And the flip side of that coin, no one ever talks about those impacts that people will never see. I mentioned, for example the terrible distress that it puts on on kids when they're not at school. Because, for example, we count on teachers to look for those telltale [00:20:00] signs of abuse. Unfortunately, we believe that in the spring of 20.
Just the spring, just April, may, and June when kids were forced outta school across the country, that basically we missed about 200,000 cases of child abuse. Why? Because it's typically sharp eye teachers and administrators who call those things out. And then when kids got back into school, how many bruises on mom's face did we miss because masks were required at drop.
So we were there on Capitol Hill. We were there to talk about some of the reforms we think they can do at the federal level. I think none of those are gonna be enacted unless we have someone at the top who's actually gonna be, putting some of these things in place. So we'll see how that goes.
But look the experience was so neat. It was neat to, at the very least, to show my kids that I was standing up for. That I was speaking on their cause map. I hope they don't forget that we took some good pictures, so maybe they'll be able to look back on that. [00:21:00] But it's a lot of sacrifice to, to head out there and spend an entire day walking the floors of the Senate, walking the floors of Congress there.
And the way it's set up, if you're looking down at the Capitol, you know that famous view your back is to the Washington Monument. You're walking up to the Capitol and over to the right, there are three buildings. It's the Rayburn, the Longworth, and. The Cannon Building, and those are where all the congressional offices are.
So we spent most of our time in those three buildings, which are to the south of Capitol Hill. So we went through all those buildings. Once you go through all the metal detectors, you go through the bag checks, and then you're in the building, and now you can go and traverse it underneath.
And they have really fun cafeterias and food. It's own little city there. It's its own little city. And there's a pecking order for the offices. If you're a new freshman you maybe don't have the best office If you're a senior person, you've got that for sure. And it's a bit of a really interesting scene.
I hope [00:22:00] if you have a chance, you get a chance to roam the halls of Congress and to step into those doors. To talk to staffers, to talk to the actual representatives, sit down in their offices and convey to them that's what this country was founded on, right? And as we came in, as we went out, more people came in, as went into other offices other groups were leaving.
And believe me, if your attend, if you're not getting the attention of your congressional leaders, somebody else is. So you better make sure that they're heard, that you were heard on this issue. And that's one of the ways to do it. This isn't about greasing the wheels, this isn't about, this isn't about, taking them to task and getting them something dramatic to to go after.
You're not giving any comp campaign contributions here. You're doing a very quiet, personal, intimate approach, one-on-one meetings to sh to shake hands with the people who make our [00:23:00] laws. So when that comes to boo, I hope I hope we'll be able to say when we do this again, that we planted the seeds and that will actually reap something pretty powerful as we go forward because it, it was certainly eye-opening.
Even those people that have been on our side were a little bit behind the times as far as what. What we had in action there. They didn't quite grasp all the chaos that was at the cdc. They didn't understand some of the stats that, that we were seeing there. And so we rattled them off.
'em, we told them the list and I think actually the handout we had was pretty powerful because it just goes right down the list of everything we've been talking about, right? They got the origin of the disease. They got the transmission of the disease wrong, asymptomatic, spread, the PCR testing.
They were wrong on that. The fatality rate, the lockdowns themselves were completely wrong. They had [00:24:00] these community triggers set up that was ridiculous. Business closures, awful school closures, horrendous quarantining healthy people. Whose ideal was that? Then went on, we talked about the impact on youth and how they felt that this was the best and safest way for our kids to live.
No, it, it hurt them dramatically. There were the predictions of complete hospital overload, which were completely wrong. There were the e everything from, simple things like masks to plexiglass the billions of dollars spent on plexiglass that turns out did more harm than, Social distancing, outdoor spread, variant spread, natural immunity, the vaccine efficacy, the injuries.
We went down the list and I tell you they smiled. They go, oh my gosh, I had no idea. So we hope that the next time they have someone in front of them in a committee, that they're [00:25:00] looking at them intently and saying, you know what? I have some questions for. Tell me who it was that actually recommended plexiglass masks and pushed against natural immunity who pushed for lockdowns.
Your words matter. Your life matters. Your kids' lives matter more. Next time, join us on Capitol Hill. This is Justin Harbach. After the break,
look, you know something is crazy wrong about the world Sometimes you see it every day around you. From crazy covid policies to government censorship, a rollercoaster economy in the growing wave of powerful technologies. That's probably gonna impact your. Definitely impact your kids' life and for sure it's gonna impact your grandkids.
And that's why I'm here. I'm Justin Hart. I'm the host of the New show. I'm K C B Q, the answer, 10:00 AM Sundays. Let's help you get grounded, helping you make sense of the world. [00:26:00] All right, a couple things right now. Anything going on in the news this week? You may have seen. Former president who is running for president, and he was there in the news.
What a crazy scene. It almost is surreal now. As luck would have it, I happened to be on Capitol Hill when that news broke 25 years earlier. Okay. 1998. I was just out of college. Now I'm dating myself, but there you go. I was just out of college and I was at my first. And I was two years outta college, but I was my first job, which was doing tech support on Capitol Hill.
I worked just a block south of the capitol for a software company that was an approved vendor on the hill for constituent management services. So this was all the mail merges that you needed to do back then before this was before. Email [00:27:00] was really the main channel that you got to people.
They even had, fax machines back then. That was a real prominent way that you could get your word out. But yeah, we I would go up on the hill and I would walk them through how to use our software to do mail merges and word and all that stuff. And then I remember one time the news.
It was the big news of 1998, the Monica Lewinsky, bill Clinton scandal. And that of course hit the Drudge Report and then it hit the New York Times and I was in Congressman Traffic Camp's office. I remember exactly where I was. This is the New Jersey barn burner. He was such a crazy guy. He used to have this phrase, beat me up, Mr.
Speaker. And he had this real, he was a democrat, but he was a big fiscal blue dog Democrat. And he was a funny guy. I think he went to jail for a little bit and he died just recently. I can't remember. He's a real character, but I was there in the office and you typically find that, The offices reflect the [00:28:00] character of the representative.
And they were laughing and they're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe this. And it was shocking news. And it reverberated throughout the capitol. And it was there on Cabala Hill the week that it was announced that there was in fact an indictment handed down to President Trump. I think that was on March 29th, the very day that we were there.
But the tune was kinda muffled. It was more of a gaw, it was more like a sigh, a shrug, a eye roll. It certainly didn't have the legs that, that, that big news did 25 years ago, even though it's, I, it's arguably a very big news story, right? And in perhaps one of the biggest ones there.
We've never had an ex-president who's been arrested, indicted. There's, the mug shot and everything else. It just it's crazy. But it was it was really interesting seeing that. Now there's a certain aspect of this where I. You could easily absolve Trump for these ridiculous [00:29:00] infractions.
Okay. In many ways, the government is set up like this thorny bush, right? And the way that works is purposeful. It reminds me of a quote and an incident in the book, Iran's Atlas Sh. And in this book, Mr. Rearden has been basically caught in some type of infraction of government law.
And Dr. Ferris, who is basically the Dr. Fauci of his day in charge of the National Crisis of Economics in that case. And here is this quote, let me give you this quote. Cause this really aptly sums up some of the things that happened in dc. Did you really think we want those laws observed? Said Dr.
Ferris, we want them to be broken. You better get it straight that it's not a bunch of Boy Scouts you're [00:30:00] up against. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals When there aren't enough criminals, Dr.
Ferris continues, one makes them, one declares so many things to be a crime that becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone, but just past the kind of laws that can neither be observed, nor enforced, nor objectively interpret.
And you create a nation of lawbreakers and then you cash in on the guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with. That is the crazy scene, guys, that's [00:31:00] exactly what transpired in many of these these indictments that they brought up there, is that they caught.
And an issue. They caught him in racking on something that they could pull over on top of him. This happened again in the Russiagate issue where they conjured up against him there. That happened in the Ukraine issue. It happened again. Again, it was full entrapment in some cases, but they knew that's how they get you.
There's no way to rule innocent Matt. Now I will grant. Trump is not a completely innocent man here. As I've always said, he was the right bull in the China shop that we needed. My good friend Mary Katherine Ham, I think she put it best when she said that the Republicans were just tired of getting bullied by the Democrats all the time.
So they went and found them because bully they could to go bully them. And now the bully's still around and he's still bullying and. I have to tell you that part of this I think he [00:32:00] can easily be absolved, but the challenge for President Trump is one of judgment that and responsibility. What responsibility does he have for buttoning things up?
Cuz look, there were some terrible decisions that he made during his pre. Most importantly, and the one had served him so poorly, were all the personnel that he hired, that he appointed, that he empowered. Fauci Berks, the general surgeon, Adams Ray Bolton Meadows Munchen, Kelly Millie Chow, a Omarosa Cohen.
Carucci. Remember s Scar Raucci at his what? 14 days? I think 16 hours in office. I can't remember what it was. Sessions bar McCarthy, Ray, Tillerson, Asper. Azar. Farra, [00:33:00] Halle Kushner. The list. Kushner, you said put the name of Kushner there. He brought his brother-in-law and lots of conflicts of interest there, right?
Which members of the Trump cabinet did you really like? Pompeo? I liked Timothy was okay. DeVos. She was. Grinnell. He wasn't appointed and he hit some home runs at the end there when he slipped in there. But Chen, you know this New York Financeer and his wife who's completely oblivious to what's going on and they printing money, printed trillions of it.
Esper Azar with his covid disaster at the Health and Human Services disaster Chow Carson seemed like a nice guy, but he seemed a little bit in over his. Tillerson, remember all his name, zinc Perry. I just, again and again, he was so poorly served by these people, but he trusted them again and again.
And of course, the first two I mentioned, Fauci and Burkes. [00:34:00] Those are just absolute disasters. Then there's the terrible decisions of the campaign itself from embarrassing moments like Four Seasons, total Landscaping. Remember? There was supposed to be a big conference I think it was in Atlanta. I can't remember what it was, but it was in this city and they were having this big presser there, and it was to be at the Four Seasons, but somebody on the campaign booked it wrong.
And so the place, the venue, they. Was this place outside of town called Four Seasons Total Landscaping. It was obvious that they meant to book the Four Seasons Hotel, but instead they booked Four Seasons, total Landscaping, and then in Georgia The terrible decisions to to fight that tooth and nail for the recounts in 2020, which likely cost us to Senate there.
And then the terrible decisions again in [00:35:00] 2022, which cost us. So from my point of view, all these legal incursions that that Trump faces, they're purposely political, they're ridiculous. He should fight them tooth and nail. Ugh. But they weary me, and in many instances they were avoidable. I want more competence.
I hope he can give that to us. I hope, there's, I want some more quiet confidence. And competence. I want some discretion. I want Monte Cornum, I want fewer con men around him. But I don't, I think that's his one sort of Achilles heel is once you've gained his trust, he will fire for you, which is awesome.
But if you trust the wrong person, you get disasters like Covid, like the covid, take down policies and everything. Even if you were to grant president did not have the power and authority to shut down what was happening on the individual states. That was up to the governors, but he made all these [00:36:00] recommendations and then he fought them tooth and nail if they wanted to open up.
But more importantly, it's he had something to do with it. It wasn't it wasn't, these other governors who were, they were they weren't printing the money. That Munk was that the Fed, is that the treasury was my point of view, the terrible decisions around Covid from the recommendations on the lockdowns to the continued touting of a lot of terrible things around the vaccines and the mandates.
I'll give a pass even on the lockdowns but this is really difficult. I, I just I want a little bit more compete. Quiet competence from this. And I think a lot of this can be faulted to a government that is thorny and that is designed to entrap people that come from outside the government.
So you have no way of knowing how to maneuver it. It really is, it's like this maze, and you [00:37:00] have to know the ins and outs. And it's like a, it's like a Rube Goldberg machine. And if you if you miss a little turn or a corner, it's gonna crush your fingers. I've always felt that I've worked on Capitol Hill before, I've been in politics, a good part of my career, and a lot of these people try to do the best they can.
But a lot of them just get caught up in the system and then they know how to work the system, so they just keep working the system. And before you know it, we're all under the gun and we're all our hands are crushed. Let's just keep an eye on things. This was a crazy. But I anticipate that things will calm down a little bit.
Hopefully, please, a little more calmness would be nice. That being said, we are getting into some financial trails and troubles, as we've talked about on the show the last several weeks. I don't have anything new particularly to update, except that all the gauges on the on the dashboard don't look terrific.[00:38:00]
They don't look like they're going very well. So just keep Aris, keep your ear to the ground, keep a little trust, have a little hope. It's all gonna be okay. Hopefully in the end, what might not be okay is the interesting stuff that's happening with my other favorite topic, of course, AI Now those who have been follow me know that I've been, tracking this pretty closely and it's been an incredible burst of innovation on the.
I, it has literally cut the time that it takes to do my job. About in half, there are only so many tactics that you can use for political fundraising, and you have to be creative. Sometimes you have to put things together, but a lot of times it's just the rote back and forth and getting the right language and the right timing and the right person who's gonna send it off.
For example, we just finished a quarter, it's the end of. The first quarter of 2023, and that is a very physical deadline [00:39:00] for all campaigns. The Federal Election Commission, you report every quarter, so you wanna show that. You did very well in the quarter, and so what do you do? You do anything you do on a, on deadline.
And so you send out the text messages, you send out the emails and you say, we've only got 12 hours to, to fill this up. Can you help us out? We've gotta hit our goal here. And so those things work really well. And turns out that when you punch in what has worked before into the chat, G p t, the AI chat bot, it spits it out and says, yeah, here.
That worked perfectly. And so those are really interesting things that you can take to bear there. But there was an open letter recently that was signed by Elon Musk and about a thousand technologists. And this was an interesting letter to say the least because when chat g p t, that is the first sort of iteration of this really.
Robust what they call learning [00:40:00] language model l m that was released. Think of it the way I've always described it as on your phone and you're sending a text message to someone and then the phone starts recommending the words that it thinks you're gonna say next. You might type the first few letters and then you could click above and, auto fill it real quick.
It's like that. But on steroids times. So you could, for example when we got back from Washington DC I was exhausted. We took this two hour flight from DC down to Charlotte and then another five hour flight from Charlotte to San Diego, all with three kids and one of the month lap child.
And and it was going into the evening. Everyone was super exhausted, but I knew that if I didn't catch the moment right away, That I was going to lose some of the momentum. So I had 12 different emails coming in from all [00:41:00] sorts of reports of people that have been in different groups and we're all back home now.
So I wanted to capture real quick and say, Hey let me get, your thoughts. So they sent me back emails on what their experiences were and then my wife wrote up what our experience. What I did was I popped it all into the chat bot and said, can you write me an 800 word post for our subs that explains exactly what transpired?
And I'll tell you, it got me 75% of the way there. I had to cut and paste paragraphs and rephrase this and put in this picture and everything else there. But that saved me an immense amount of time that I could spend playing with my kids. Or sleeping to get away from my kids. So what happened now is a really interesting endeavor here.
There was an open letter, let me just read part of it to you. It says, AI systems with human competitive intelligence. Another words just gonna put you out of your job, can pose profound risks to society and humanity as [00:42:00] stated by this widely endorse. Principles AI could represent a profound change in the history of life on Earth and should be planned for and managed with commensurate care and resources.
And so the signers of this group go on to say they wanna put a pause, they want any development other than g p t four to pause for six months while we get our head around the system. At some point I thought, is this like a competitive thing? Because what happened was really interesting, as we told you in a previous episode where we test.
Chat, G p t the chatbot from the group called Open ai and we compared that against Bing and we compared that against Google and their new Bard chatbot. We found some really interesting things, right? And it was pretty advanced. The Open AI [00:43:00] chat, G P T version four is pretty advanced.
But now the question is what's going to happen? Obviously on one side of the equation there are jobs that literally will be gone within months. Like a court reporter's job might be gone completely. A translator's job. They're really good at translating. When I'm done with my radio show, I use an AI com, a system called descript, and I take the I take the audio and it knows how many speakers there are.
It transcribes it. I could even go through and say, remove all my ums. It does that automatically and then I'm able to post that very quickly to my sub. That's pretty cool. And so a lot of those sort of rote tasks are gonna be. On the other side of the equation, you got people like I think the report came out the study and said the people that have safe jobs, the ones that are still very physical in nature, like auto, windshield, [00:44:00] repairmen safe light repair, I guess they're, they got a safe job there.
But look, this is, if you can't handle this right way, we're gonna have to figure it out. But the thing is, I understand why they want to pause it, because it could grow very quickly. I'm not so much the termin, the mindset that this is gonna termin to the Terminator. I think this absolutely will disrupt a lot of industries and a lot of jobs.
And just to give you another idea here I wanna go back to our good friend. This is his ck it's from chef Adrian Ivanov, right? And yesterday Adrian posted a time for renewal and sacrifice on wonderful food. And he posts about Palm Sunday. This was just last week. And so the.
On Palm Sunday, he posted a little tribute to Christ, and he put in some [00:45:00] imagers here. And then I see he's for appetizers. He's got a multicultural set of menus here. Deviled eggs, matzo balls. Fata. The main chorus was a roasted leg of lamb brisket with smma vegetable and quinoa stuffed peppers, side dishes.
You had scallop potatoes, tabula CHRO set which desserts? We had hot cross buns, coconut, macaroons, baklava from the Muslim tradition. We had sparkling grape juice. We had mint tea wine for Christians and Jews here, and none of this is. Chef Adrian Ivanoff AI is an AI fiction that I created, but I basically just tell AI what I wanted to write about and it writes it.
And in fact, all of these pictures, these delicious peppered freckled little buns and the deviled eggs, those aren't real either. And but [00:46:00] it's interesting. It's fun and it makes for some delightful conversations. And sometime I. Host a cooking show that does just AI recipes. Would that be fun?
Be fun. It's cool and creepy. Now, the creepy part is that it might become so advanced, the worst case scenario course that it takes over the world, Terminator style. Personally, I don't think that's going to happen. I think that's very much like. The blown out conversation around, for example, the millennial bug, where all the clocks were going to shut down the entire electrical grids of the system because they weren't designed for four characters.
They were designed for two characters. So at the strike of midnight, 1999, December 31st, it was going to go into the new millennium, or at least the year was going to change to the year 2000. And boom, there you go. No, that never happened. And the death toll and maybe they caught it and they were able, Stop everything altogether.
There wasn't [00:47:00] any major issues. They thought elevators were gonna stop. They thought was the Y2K bug as we called it, but it turned out to be a flop. I don't think we're going to see a Terminator style scenario present itself, but it will become very advanced and it will help your life immensely.
It reminds me actually of a quote that I looked up. Cause I was wondering, I was like, we've had obvious, obviously things that are like this before, right? We've had scenarios where people at bank tellers, for example, were put out of business, but they found other things to do. And I think that's it.
I hear a lot, these chatbots, they just, they can't replace the human touch of words. I hear that. And I think that's missing the point that's accurate right now. And I think that's fine. But I found this quote this is from 1955 edition of The Daily Gazette, and it conveyed a similar sentiment [00:48:00] about a new technology.
Ms. Harrison, a local housewife, m Mused, these wash machines have certainly made our lives. They can't quite capture the magic of my mother's laundry. Her tireless efforts and meticulous attention to detail left our clothes looking and smelling better than any contraption ever could. But go and ask your mom this.
Would she ever give up her washing machine? Time is our most valuable commodity, and if we are able to really maximize the. Of these chat bots, these AI elements here, it could dramatically reduce the amount of time that it takes us to get things done. And isn't that what life is all about? It's like you have the same amount of time as anyone else here on earth as far as the next minute goes.
What do you choose to do with that one minute? And that's the interesting thing. Scientists have told [00:49:00] us they don't know why. It shouldn't be the case, but our brains can only think of one thing at one time. Even when you're listening to an orchestra, it's really not hearing all the notes at the same time.
Your brain is a lightning fast switchboard going from the strings, going to the brass, going to the wind instruments, to the percussion, and it meshes them all together. It actually doesn't. That they're all coming at the same time. It can only think of one thing at one time. And so what do you choose to think about with your time right now?
And if you had your choice, would you think about something different? Would you pursue something different? Because the time that you spent in this moment is what really matters in life. Being here in the present and understanding that there are things you need to get. But there are also things that you could do better.
So [00:50:00] imagine if that was the case, you would never give up your washer, you would never give up your dryer because it affords you the time to spend with your spouse, with your kids, with doing other work that you have. And so think about it in those terms. How are you going to maximize these new technologies to make your life?
Now there gonna be some scary moments along the way. Yes, and I have read into the literature and I think there, there is some cause for concern, especially if, you know they get into places they shouldn't be. But in my experience, I think we're pretty good at handling some of this stuff and I think we're even better at maximizing its.
So I hope over the next few weeks as these things develop and as you find new opportunities to pursue new opportunities, because frankly, some of you're gonna lose your jobs. I don't [00:51:00] mean to alarm you. I'm just telling you that's what's gonna happen here in the next few months is a lot of people are gonna lose their jobs because there's a lot of financial uncertainty and things are going to happen.
That's okay. Sometimes this sort of curbing needs to happen. It was interesting. A lot of people lost their jobs during Covid too, but it got them to think, did they really want to be in that job? Some of them chose never to go back to that industry again and again. If you had a pause in your life, what would you choose to do?
I think you would choose to maximize the opportunities that come your way. I hope we all do that. Thanks for listening in today. I hope you have a fantastic Sunday. This is Justin Hart for the Justin Hart Show on K C B Q, sponsored by Posterity Pack. Thanks for listening. Take care.
You've been listening to the Justin Hart show. Tune in again next Sunday morning at 10. Right here on the answer, San Diego.[00:52:00]
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