Rational Ground by Justin Hart
Rational Ground
The Justin Hart Show Ep3
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -52:22

The Justin Hart Show Ep3


Good morning, San Diego. This is Justin Hart coming to you live from our studios. What's really incredible here is that the rain. Have brought snow down to levels where we can see it from the city, which is something you can do regularly there in Los Angeles.

But here in San Diego, that's a kind of cool and rare feat. So, look out for that. My kids are gonna want to go snowing as soon sledding as soon as they see that. So, welcome to my show. So glad to be with you. we're in for some exciting times ahead of. , that might not be the adjective you choose for the day, , but my mom always taught me to think positively.

Right? Not, not explicitly. She wouldn't sit me down and say, it's time to think positive. She just did it by example. She took every challenge in stride and she saw setbacks as an opportunity. She was unfazed. Nothing phased her. I want my kids to be positive, like. I also want them to be ambitious. So ambitiously positive or positively ambitious.

Right. Which brings us, of course, to the story of David and Goliath. Good transition there, right? No, don't, don't change your dial your, your radio didn't just suddenly flip over to our Christian focus sister station. No, everything and everyone can learn something from the story of David and Goliath, whether you're Christian or atheist, Muslim or agnostic.

Whether you're a biostatistician or an epidemiologist, every creed can learn something from the story of David and Goliath, but maybe, maybe not the way you were originally told it. So you, you know, the basic premise right to warring nations settle their differences by fisticuffs between a soldier that they choose on each side.

Young, upstart, underdog faces down a literal giant. Sends him packing all for love of country and people. Right? That's one telling. Okay. But I, if you're, if you read into the story, you'll realize that it wasn't altogether altruism that gave David the courage to face Goliath. David wasn't just some selfless simpleton.

Let, let's go First Samuel chapter 17. Those of you have your old testaments, pull them out. This is from the King James version, so it gets a little high class, right? And the men of Israel said, have you seen this man is come up surely to defy Israel as he come up. And it shall be that the man who killed him, the king, will enrich him great riches and will give them off his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel translation.

Here's David. He's sent to the front. Go give your brother some cheese. That's what his dad says. His brothers were older. So he goes, and on the way he, he encounters these men talking in this highfalutin way. What it really meant was, have you seen this guy Goliath, who's come out to kind of take us on? I mean, he's, he's something else.

And by the way, I heard that the king, whoever kills this guy is gonna be rich. He's gonna get to marry the king's daughter, and then, He won't have to pay taxes for the rest of his life. A and David breaks into the conversation. He says, wait, wait, wait. What will be done to the man that Killeth this?

Philistine ? And David says, did I hear you right? And they repeat to him, yeah, you basically win the lottery. You get the girl, you don't have to pay any taxes, . And his reply is really interesting. He says, is there not a cause? So was self aggrandize. One of the attitudes, one of the approaches, one of the motivations that David had in this whole thing, I, I think maybe it was, is there not a cause?

So now you know the rest of the story now, but I went to look for some quotes on opportunities on motivation. So here are a couple, okay? Opportunities are all around us, but we often miss them because we are looking in the wrong direction. That's CS Lewis. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist opportunity in every difficulty.

That's Winston Churchill. Incentives are the spark plugs of the mind. I like that one. That's Katie Shaw. opportunities are usually disguised as hardware work, so most people don't recognize them. That's Anne Landers. I like this one though. This one I think captures the essence of everything we want to know about Motivat.

About opportunity, about grabbing after what you need there says quote, seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart too soon? I don't . That was Irma Bombeck. She was a great humorist, about 70 years ago. That was a great line, right? Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert card?

You, you have to grasp after. , if anything in this pandemic has taught me anything, it's that if you stick your neck out in support of the truth or what you feel or know to be true, you'll be rewarded. It's gonna be maybe a little bit before it comes to fruition, but you put that out there, right? You've gotta lay the foundation.

So, cuz here's the scenario folks, and I'm not a financial advisor, but I follow these things pretty closely. . So we had this pandemic, right? And then we had this massive wave of spending and this massive wave of printing money, right? And so the, the money gets printed, this money gets spent, and all of a sudden, 40% of all the dollars that have ever existed in the world are , are right there.

And, and, and now your money is worth a lot less. A and if you think about it, that's kind of what you've seen about 30, 40% increase in prices and a lot of things.  and part of that was due to the printing and money. Part of it was due to sort of the backlog. We told you the story in my book that, we did some interviews with some people that are working on the docks in la.

You remember that about a year and a half ago, just miles and miles of boats waiting to unload their goods and they can't get 'em onto the to shore fast enough. Why lack of staff? Why lack of staff? Well, The California Department of Health and their great insight decided that it was unsafe for people who worked the cranes to train their juniors in the same cabin.

And so all the juniors trained on these virtual machines, everything else, and they failed. They just couldn't do it. And so you had a lack of staff. You had the issue of a lot of backlog coming in. Well, now you look off the shore in Los Angeles and it's empty. There's no boats waiting. They're getting 'em in just fine, but it's not the same volume and you're gonna see the reverse.

Now you're gonna see some deflation happen pretty dramatically. That might sound like a good thing, but in fact, it's a whiplash that's going to impact a lot of companies. You saw at the end of December how Amazon laid off 10,000. And how FedEx got rid of a hundred flights. That's what kinda leading indicators, especially during their busiest season, that things are not quite all right.

So you can do one of two things. You can panic and like a lot of people during the pandemic, they panicked and the fear kind of drove them to do some crazy things, like 40% of the money that's ever existed in the world. But if you prepare for rain and you're ready, those buckets you can get here. I mean, here in ca.

We just went through one of the biggest deluges I've ever seen. I grew up in the Bay Area. My wife grew up down here, my, my, my wife, Chenny, and you know, she's never seen anything like that. Los Angeles, you saw the flooding and everything else there, but because the mindset of a lot of people in this state and a lot of leaders was, well, look, the end of rain is.

There was a, there was an article, San Francisco Chronicle, the End of Snow . It's like, what? Look at the snow caps now. Right? So no one really prepared and thought to themselves, well, maybe I should, um, you know, find a water reclamation plant to try to try to capture some of that. We get most of our water and resources from snowpack, so good thing is the snow pack is still there and it'll melt and it'll, we'll get some good, good stuff there.

But water has been expensive and if you can't capture. , you have some problems. So remember the parable of the two farmers, right? One, they both prayed for rain, that their crops would grow, but only one farmer actually prepared his crops for rain, right? And guess which one succeeded The best and most successful investment you could make right now in these times, which are gonna get tight this year and next year, is to build your prowe.

Build your expertise and get ready to deploy it quickly, right? Get your crap together. Now the universe will reward you for your readiness. I don't think that's my quote. I don't want it to be, but I like that. Get your crap together now, and the universe will reward you for your readiness. So how are you going to succeed in what can be a very, very challenging environment where you have your point where you are here?

and you have the point where you're trying to go, all right, and you know, all the math books and everything that tell you that the, the, the shortest route between two points is a straight line. But the question is, is it the fastest route? Because you're gonna be, have to be a quick and nimble in these days.

In the second hour, we're gonna talk about artificial intelligence and how that's impacting your life's and how you can use it for your advantage. , so stay with me as we do this here, but let's talk first. About a decade ago, I was, in Boston. My wife and I, Jenny, were on the MIT Romney campaign. Okay. We were helping him trying to win the presidency there.

We were brought up, I was brought up late in September, so I was kind of brought in as a little bit of calvary to help with some of the fundraising that they were having trouble doing and some of the high tech stuff they needed to do. And we were doing something that was really cool. It was called Text to Donate and, and, this is the first time that the FEC allow.

and I got it all ready and I went down the hall. I got the, the, the sign off from the lawyers. And this was a really interesting one, which is that, the, you, you, you would, you would text just to donate to Romney.  and the bill would show up on your phone bill and the Romney campaign or the Obama campaign would get those $10 that you donated.

Now, believe it or not, that's my day job right now. I do text to fundraising be when I'm not doing this show and I help, nonprofits and political campaigns raise money over text messages. So first I apologize for the last few months, I'm sure you got a few text messages. Those are probably coming from me, but they work really well, so thank you for your patience.

But anyways, I'm running down the hall and I just got, I've got the last signature. I finally get it and I come to sit down to my desk and when you know it, Obama beat us to the punch. I wanted to be the first one so badly. I blamed the, the resp, you know, on slow response of the lawyers, the lack of campaign technical prowess.

I was really. . Obama had beat us as he would a few weeks later, . And one key mantra I adopted after that experience was there is always a way to get ahead of the competition, no matter how far away they are. Um, so let me tell you while it's true, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

It is not the fastest path. You might intuit this. Were you younger? And when did you, did you ever have a a Matchbox car race with your sister? I'm dating myself, but you know, I remember we'd have the straight track for her and then I'd bend my track just a little bit down. Kinetic energy, speed, mass, gravity, those all combined into what's called the quista chrome curve.

Okay. That is a ball that's running down a straight. It's gonna go slower than one that uses gravity to its advantage. Just a little dip gives us enough momentum to overtake the straight line ball. Believe it or not, you could try this experiment at home, and if you get the curve just right, you will win the race.

Okay, so competition is fierce. That's either in your professional life, in your personal life, in your love. Also just your fight with the universe, right? That's a constant battle. And so, you know, they may have more money, they may have more manpower, more customers they have may have better looks than you do.

But if you adjust your trajectory with specific tactics, you can give quick and serious momentum to your end point and you can beat them to the finish line. So you have to kind of look at this from that perspective. There was a great author, he died unfortunately a few years ago, Clayton Christen.

Harvard business professor. He had one of the best business books of the 1990s called The Innovators Dilemma, but there's a lot you can take into it as your personal life as well, and, and what he talked about was how disruptive companies take over entire industries. Take steel mill, for example. I went to BYU in Utah and down there in the Provo Valley.

When I was there it was, there was this big steel mill called Geneva Steel, right at what they call the point of the mountain. It's actually right next door to where they filmed, with the, the Kevin Bacon Film Footloose right there in Utah. And, I, I remember it just, the smell was awful. It was huge.

It was massive. And, and that was their business, right? It was building and producing large, big beams of steel that could hold up tons and tons, but all of a sudden, mini mile mini malls became a big thing. And so companies started getting into it and saying, you know what? I, I don't need something that's gonna hold up like a massive structure.

I. I just need like something to hold up a, a 12 foot wall on, on a mini mall, right? So these mini mills then popped up and started to produce steel that was lighter, but hold up, you know, a nice roof for, you know, your Chucky cheese. That was fine. And then the big steel folks were like, well, are these guys a threat to.

They said, well, let's talk to our customers. And the customers say, no, no, we just need more steel, bigger steel, stronger steel. They're, they're not a threat to us. Different, different, different companies market all together. But eventually those small upstarts decided to invest in the technology to improve their steel.

And they overtook the mini mill, the big mills, and all of a sudden they're steel was stronger and cheaper and thinner and better than the big mills could ever envision. And they took over the. Same thing with hard drives. The 1980s, remember those IBM big machines they used to have in warehouses at, big tech companies or back then big financial companies, the IBM mainframes, right?

And so they're talking to the hard drive manufacturers and these companies say, I don't care if that thing is 10 by 10 by 10, it could take up a whole warehouse. I need more space on our hard drive. Meanwhile, a company called Western Digital said, maybe there's this thing called the personal computer.

You can't really fit that 10 by 10 by 10 block or on top of a desk, but we can make it small. It's not gonna hold as much, but I don't think they need that much. And so they did. They produced that for the IBM XT and everything else there. And so, the small personal computer felt like, oh, this is great.

And the, the guys who made the big hard drives for IBM and everything else said, let's talk to our customer base. The customer base said, we don't care. We need bigger, bigger spaces. It could weigh a ton. Bring it. Put on a forklift. Western Digitals talking to the individual customers saying, would this be better if it didn't crash your desk?

Yeah, that'd be a lot better. We, we could use a lot lighter computer. How about this laptop thing? Oh, look at that. Eventually Western Digital overtook the market because they learned how to put more bits on a single inch of the big guys cause they didn't invest properly. So look for those opportunities in your.

Where you can improve on things in dramatic ways that you never thought possible. What are ways that you can be innovative in your own life? And it could be something very simple. Someone taught me a rule a while back, and I've always applied it to my life. I didn't mean for this radio show to become like a, a self-help line, but this is kind of fun.

So here's a rule of thumb. If it takes two minutes to do it, do it right then. Two minutes or less, right? That was always my thumb cuz you're always going throughout the day and your brain, your brain just, you know, triggers. Oh my gosh, I really should, you know, fill out that paperwork. I really should kind of put away these dishes.

Hey, that shouldn't take me, but two minutes do it then. a famous, famous productivity coach, Alec Macken.  once got a good letter from Charles Schwab and said, Schwab said I, I need to improve the way I do things. And so he sent him a quick note and he said, here is the best way to do that. Write down the three most important things you need to get done that day and do nothing else until you finish those four weeks later.

Alec Mackenzie got a check from Charles Schwab for 20,000. Because he says, this was the best tip I ever got. Those type of things are what you're gonna have to have either to improve your personal and professional life, your dating life, whatever you have, you need to get those things done. Prepare for rain as it comes there because, um, we're, we're gonna go through some, some really interesting times here.

I'm just, just giving fair warning, but keep positive. You can, you can make it happen, right? But the other thing you're gonna need to do is not just those habitual. You need to find inspiration. serendipity is one of the things you can inspire yourself with. I'll, I'll tell you why. Well, first of all, you need to know where that word comes from.

Well, you, you, here's the deal. Like you've been to a library, right? When was the last time you visited a library or a bookstore? It may have been a while, right? But you remember you were searching for a book dutifully going down the Dewey Decimal system, right? Your eye catches.  an interesting title in the spine of a completely different book that you weren't looking for, and like online clickbait headline, your arm instinctively reaches for the tone, right?

You're distracted. You pull more books and self succession. Off topic. On topic, it doesn't matter. Your brain has just encountered a moment of serendipity. Now, the word serendipity comes from an ancient tale of three princes of seren.  and they were heroes who were always making their unexpected discoveries while they were on different quests together.

And that's kind of cool. I like that. So put yourself in places where you can find those moments of serendipity. I will tell you, as a marketer, which is mo been most my profession, my career, w we do this all the time. we used to have this sort of trick, but it created serendipity. A good marketer and a good person in their life is always, Willing to create moments of serendipity.

I know mothers do this all for the, for their kids all the time. I see my wife do it. She'll put some books in front of them, she'll have them do something specific, and all of a sudden the wheels start churning and they think, wow, this could be a lot of fun. Right. So we do this in in marketing, where we just have this trick where someone would come to a political.

And maybe they're on the page about healthcare policy right now, this person has already been to our website. They've, they've already registered so we know cooked who they are and everything else. And when they come to the website, we'll count down like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, and then we send them an. About healthcare and all of a sudden they get this in their inbox or they text message and they go, wow, that is really cool.

I was just on their website looking for that. That is both creepy and cool . In fact, that's gonna be a lot of what you're gonna experience as we'll talk about on the next tower. And then the next part here, where we talk about the the creepy and cool stuff that you can encounter when it comes to new technology.

But in your life, see if you can put yourself in positions. Where you are indeed trying to do that. Cuz you have to ask yourself, are you lucky or are you just awesome? Right? Is is true innovation and that inspiration that you have, is that a flash of unique discovery or does it require work? And historians are, are to cite a powerful set of scientific discoveries that seemingly happen by chance.

You know, penicillin. Heparin, Dramamine, X-Rays, POL, sars, I'm listening 'em off here. Electric current circuits. All of these are successful improvements to the pantheon of science and technology, but they were apparently discovered by chance. So you, you know the story, right? The discovery of penicillin goes something like this.

18, 19 28. Alexander Fleming, he's the professor, I think they called it bacteriology, St. Mary's Hospital, London. And he noticed this peculiar reaction to a mold that developed in a Petri dish that he had left open. It was surmised that the mold came from spores from Dr. Leticia's laboratory, which was just a floor below, and that they had both left their windows open, which produced a strain of penicillin, which would go on to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the 20th.

someone left the window open and hundreds of billions of lives were saved. And you dig deeper though, and you'll find that Fleming's work on penicillin would not immediately receive sort of public distribution for like another decade. in fact, two dozen of his colleagues viewed as discovery as skeptical, right?

They, they thought it was an unfortunate error. And, and so what prompted Fleming to continue pushing? This moment, right? This, this idea of this rare mold phenomenon. Now his, his 2001, there's a 2001 paper called Serendipity and the Scientific Discovery. I love this article by Martin Reisman. And he says that if you look into his life, he had already done so much work beforehand that it was a very serendipitous moment that triggered all of his experience beforehand.

he in years before he had discovered an enzyme and that that enzyme in the same sort of way that he had years before this made him receptive to penicillin encounters. Later in years later, I tell you to become an expert in something, whether it's your own profession or whether it's parenting, um, it takes about, as they say, 10,000 hours to get it.

and those are things you can't replicate. You have to waste a lot of time in your profession before you have sort of a, a muscle memory for it. Right? Like I, you can walk into a room and you know exactly when your kid is going to be in trouble, or you can look on their face and, you know, something is amiss.

They did this at the mo, the, the, the Museum of of Modern Art in New York City one time. This is a really. episode where they brought in an Egyptian que and it was beautiful. It was broad. They had just purchased it for millions of dollars and then they invited the top Egyptologist they knew in the surrounding area to come take a look at it, right?

And, each person in succession walked into that room and said, oh, I'm so sorry you bought that. That's a. Oh, John, this is terrible that that's not a real Bosque. And one by one they all said the same thing. And so the curator pressed him and said, well, h how do you know what we, we have this sort of checked out over there in Egypt.

They said it was, it was real. And they said, well, I can't, well, you see the top, well, the etchings are kind of, and they couldn't quite describe how they knew, how they knew that it was fake, but it turns out it. , and you'll find that same sort of prowess if you can stick your hand to it, right? Just keep pushing that plow and find out what you're doing, whether it's, again, parenting your job, your love life, your physical activity.

What can you do to repeat those things? Get into those habits, be positive about things, but also plan for the future and try to get yourself actuated. We'll talk some more about that at a later show. This is Justin Hart. Catch you on the brake side.

Look, you know, something is crazy wrong about the world sometimes. You see it every day around you from crazy covid policies to government censorship, a rollercoaster economy in the growing wave of powerful technologies that's probably gonna impact your life, definitely impact your kids' life, and for sure it's gonna impact your grandkids.

And that's why I'm here. I'm Justin. I'm the host of the new show on K C B Q, the answer, 10:00 AM Sundays. Let's help you get grounded, helping you make sense of the world. Welcome back to the Justin Hart Show. Next on our agenda, we'll be talking about one of our favorite topics, artificial intelligence. As you know, I love to keep my listeners informed on the latest and greatest AI breakthroughs after.

This is going to impact your life in dramatic ways. Here's a quick example of a new technology coming your way. Hint, this isn't really me speaking. That's right. I used an artificial intelligence tool to clone my voice. Now, back to the real Justin heart . Creepy, but cool, right? No, you could tell those of you who listened to me that that was my voice.

In fact, one. When my producer thought he said, I, I thought that was your voice, and you are pretending to be a little bit of a robot for effect. So I used an online tool called, resemble.ai, , and I, I used it to clone my voice. we're gonna talk about artificial intelligence here and how that can impact your life.

You can see right away, you know, sometimes we talk about phoning it in. I, Todd, I, I think I could text this in, right? What if, what if I just texted what I wanted to say and then he ran it through a little, blurb and then it spit out my real voice and it sounded just like me. Now, that was done with just basic training that cost me all of 25 cents to do, if I really wanted to go into deep training, probably a couple hundred dollars, but, that would be interesting.

I mean, you can imagine the applications that they could have. They're using it for, um, interactive chat abilities. obviously for tutorials for training, the ability to, for example, produce, text, send it to an AI voice, and have that sort of immediate gratification that I'm talking to someone. Human right, , creepy, but cool.

Very efficient, but very weird. Potentially it could lose me a job. I don't know. I don't think so though. I think there's always that human element that you can't really replicate, but there are tools that you can use to help yourself in dramatic ways, to look at these things. And just let's talk a little bit about how AI works.

I think you might find this interesting. those of you love football. We're coming up on, the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, my 49ers did not make it. Don't blame me. I grew up in the eighties and the Bay Area. I'm always a 49ers fan. In fact, I will always, always win that game of two truths and one lie. I always win it because I put in this little blurb here and everyone gets it wrong.

I sang the national anthem at the 1985 Super Bowl Stanford Stadium between the 49ers and the Miami Dolphin. I was 11 years old. Go check it out. You can go Google that. 1985 Super Bowl National. . And, and so the, the, the deal is with AI you can do a lot of interesting things that might improve your job, improve your life, and here's one that can improve.

Just your everyday sort of working. It's like you might be able to say, okay, I've got, some tomatoes, I've got some apples, I've got some pork. I've got, a whole bunch of interesting things I can do, to make some meals. But what if you could plug all of those leftovers you had in and actually create, a menu off that.

So for example, I'm here, right? This, tool that you may have heard called chat, g p T, and I type in apples, pears pork dates, orange juice. And let's say, let's, let's throw in something weird there. Bacon. Okay. make me. A meal plan and I wanted to sort of spit out what, what I can, what can, what can I do with all those ingredients?

Well, here it goes. It's gonna start time. Here's a simple meal plan. Use the ingredients you listed. Breakfast, scrambled eggs with diced bacon, fresh orange juice, toasted with sliced pears. Lunch, grilled pork chop, apple and date salad. A fresh of a glass of fresh orange juice. It got me dinner too. A pork stir fry with apples, dates and vegetables are your choice.

Brown rice glass of fresh orange. Now that was me again, was just three seconds going through that. Now, what if I said I've got a family of five and I need to make a meal plan for the week? It'll do that too. Or you can go a little closer and say, explain to me, you know, the concept of, let's say, black holes, right?

So explain the concept of black holes and it spits out and says, oh, this big long thing here. Now I can just say, you know, I still don't quite get it. Explain it. To me like I'm two. And this is something that the, the system can actually do. So it takes a very, very complex, concept, and then it boils it down.

I mean, this, this thing is going on talking about, all the postulates that Albert Einstein has. I said, now explain it to me like it's like I'm two. And so the, the, the chat will come back and. Imagine you have a hole in space and then it goes through. This is a super strong vacuum that sucks everything in even light, and it goes through in a very simple way to explain that.

Believe it or not, this application just passed a five different Wharton M B A test. It passed a major medical exam. Now that has serious implications, but it also has serious. For you to take a account there, it can help you with creativity. It's got some really interesting things that are happening there.

The way this works is pretty simple actually. The way you think about it, there is what we call a supervised, artificial intelligence. And then there's stuff that you discounted let go to the wind. Now the stuff that I did right there, that's really advanced stuff that goes to the wind, but we're coming across football as I mentioned, and um, I love to.

My football team, my fantasy football team with artificial intelligence, and it's pretty easy actually. What you do is you take all the stats from one year and then you plug 'em into a system, and then you set aside like maybe 20% of all the, the names of the players. And then you say, okay, well here's what I want to train the model on.

You're gonna hear that word again and again training the model. And then it takes that model and says, okay, now let me test that theory. I'm trying to predict who's gonna be the best person to pick on the football team and let me test that theory by testing it against the 20% of names that you set aside.

Oh, look at that. I was right. 60, 70% of the time. And the higher that you get above, you know, like of the, a flip of a coin above 50%, the better your model will. , and that's how these things work. And they could do very well. Now, especially with genetics. They'll be able to tell, for example, um, what is the dis the predisposition that you have, that you might have a, a serious disease growing up, and when that will, when that will occur, and what can you do to stave it off?

So these are things in healthcare, these are things in, in education, in in, in different aspects of your life that are gonna change things. Dramat. So you need to be prepared. And more importantly, you need to wrangle this thing for your purposes. maybe you are a writer and you've got tons of blog posts that, need to get out the door and you know that more content is gonna get you more interactions.

Or maybe, maybe you didn't quite phrase it right and you wanna, you wanna kind of get that right piece in there, you know? Or, or maybe you wanna do something creative, like, um, oh, here we go. I took the tweets of president.  and Elon Musk and I ran them through a training data set. This was about five or six years ago.

Okay. And I said to them, I said, um, okay, what you do is you give it a prompt, just like I did there. You don't hear apples, pears, pork. That's the prompt. And from that it goes through it's language and it's big artificial databases says, here's what I spit out. Well, I did the same. I took the, the tweets of Trump and the tweets of Elon.

I ran them through a training thing and I said, I want them to talk to each. So I gave them the prompt talk about climate change. Now I have to tell you, you have to run these models very, very deeply. This was run for just about an hour, and this was five years ago when this technology was just sort of coming to the layperson Trump climate change Zero.

First. It will come to look at point where there's a politician who has an. Barack Obama, they don't know how long. Pathetic, the problem strike. Many bankruptcies, crooked Hillary Clinton does . So obviously this was the first iteration of these things. Elon replies, climate change and environmental ice capabilities almost oleic, crazy returns.

Getting it deployed, the mind actually enables a. Battery good Falcon, but ingestion, . So you could tell all those keyword you probably heard from Elon if you follow him, Tesla Falcon, his space iRocket and everything else there. But, um, it was still kind of in its infancy. So, I, I went again this time to that same thing.

I said, let's have a conversation between Elon and and and Donald on climate change. This time we started with Elon, so I gave the prompt. Create a conversation between Elon Musk and Donald Trump about climate change. So Elon Musk says climate change is real and must act now to reduce its impact.

Donald Trump, the climate has been changing for millions of years. We need to focus on economic growth, not on imaginary problems. Amazing. Right. Look at, look at that. There, there they go. We, we, we can see right now that actual language probably coming from Elon and, and Trump himself. And, um, you know, you can, you can do some other interesting things with it too.

There's a, a fair amount of really interesting things. Like, I told it, for example, to, to write me a song. I'm gonna read you the lyrics. I said, take the climate change. Take Write a Broadway. Write a Broadway song. Not about climate change, but write a Broadway song, a duet. Between Elon Musk and Donald Trump, , let me read you these words.

Now I'm something of a, a thespian that is, I, I have a background in musical theater, so I'm just gonna kind of wing this here. I'm a visionary. I'm a risk taker with technology. I'm always the maker. I'm sending rockets to space. What a race With Tesla leading the charge in the green space, and then the chorus goes.

We're two leaders with big dreams making history. It seems with innovation, we're around the top. We're the kings of business on the block. Donald Trump comes in. I'm a billionaire. I'm a real estate king. Making deals and building things. I'm putting America first. That's my goal, making our country great.

It's my soul war. Two leaders with big dream start tweeting again, making history it seems with innovation. We're back on top. We're the kings of the business block. Oh, okay. We can see my, my background is taking over to stop.

So that's, I imagine, I, I, I told her to do it half a dozen ways. I ambi, pentameter, do it in a haiku, do it in a, a lime. And it did, and some of it was clever, some of it needed some work. But those are things that might be interesting. I, I don't think this is going to make a very good Broadway play. And, you know, there are some things you should definitely be concerned about.

but, you know, look, this is, this is pretty, pretty impressive stuff. So I took it to the next level. I took it to the next level. I said, okay. I ran it through the AI and I had it create some lyrics between Elon and Trump. Let's take it to the next level. Let's, let's have it create the music from the lyrics.

Okay? And so I did this.

Okay, well those of you who are magicians, Lynn Manuel, Miranda, it looks like you have job security after. We're not quite there on all the AI front stuff, but there are technologies that are going to be very interesting in the near future. And, I, I think what, what you need to know is kind of what you can do with them, what to look out for.

These are gonna be very predictive things. Now, the dark side of this is, is something we need to explore. And by dark side, I mean people who make use of these things for. Dark or untoward purposes because that's real. All right, that's real. Um, we've already seen people use this for catfishing purposes. we've seen people use it to, um, get ahead, in financial markets, in really untoward ways.

we've seen it for fishing schemes, social engineering, as they say, where you, make like a human that you're not, and then it, fools someone else into giving out their pass. I remember, the first time I encountered this sort of thing was when someone automated an entire spamming system, okay.

To send out a really unique algorithm. It went to LinkedIn and it found people that were newly hired by companies.  and then it found the email of the ceo, maybe even their phone number. Okay. And then it would email that new employee or text them from a new number and say, Hey Adam, we really need you to transfer $300,000 to this account right now.

I know you're the new junior cfo. We need you to do this right now. And he. The company lost that money. Period. Right? A scan that's going around currently, they'll do that same sort of thing and they'll email someone and say, Hey, um, here's some gift cards. I need you to go buy 300 Google gift gift cards.

I, I know this is not usually your your job, but I need you to go do it. Who is this? This is your new ceo. Why are you questioning me? Oh, okay. Okay, boss. Yes. I mean, these things can be very detri. We've talked about some of these technologies that are coming up, whether it's some of the downsides of M R A vaccines, which they want to create a whole framework for, or whether it's new technologies like crispr.

When we talked about the other week, imagine a CRISPR has literally helped people, see again. A genetic disease, something they inherited, a congenital disease that basically turns them blind by the time that they are 18 years old. What do you do with your life then? Right? Well, CRISPR comes in, it's kind of a gene editing software, or it's a gene editing technology, uses juice and everything else there.

It goes in and it finds that little snippet of your DNA that needs to cut out and it'll plug in the right code if there's an error. Are these people. They can see again. It's amazing. Now, what's incredible about this sort of gene therapy is, the cost of it is extraordinarily low. It's like SpaceX compared to the regular NASA scene.

It reduces cost dramatically. It used to be for gene therapy, and here in San Diego, we're the head of the biotech industry, right? It's like $40,000 just for a single treatment on maybe a very focused gene liver issue, right? But with crispr, You're talking, you can set up a CRISPR lab in your garage for a couple thousand dollars.

It's, um, pretty incredible stuff. the two women who, discovered it and pushed it forward just won the Nobel Prize last year on it. But the dark side is pretty tremendous. You'll need to be aware of that. In China, for example, they were using CRISPR technology to modify police. These looked typically like, I think they were greyhounds, I'm not sure.

But you know, greyhounds super fast, super strong, super lean. Well, one of the reasons that they're lean is that their genetic code tells them stop building muscle at a certain point. And so they turn that off. And you can see these Frankenstein dogs, it looks like a gorilla matched with, a Greyhound.

And you go, that's probably not good. I don't think I'm comfortable with that. What are you going to do? So these are the, the sides you need to be aware of there. There's some upsides, for example. Um, some couples have found that, when they did, you know, some genetic testing that their children might have a very debilitating disease, but you can actually go in now in embryo and fix that.

Is that right? I, I, I don't know on that. But you could also go in and in the future someone says, well, we've got the latest cheek swabs from George Clooney. Would you like his eyes and his chin or just his natural gray hair when this kid crawls odor older? I, I, I don't know. I think there's gonna be some issues looking at that, but there's also some incredible technologies where you can see people who haven't had the ability to be verbal.

To come back to life using artificial intelligence technologies. And it's happening so fast that it's tough to get your head around. So that's why I speak it to you, but always have those moments because you need to know that you have yourself grounded in something that's real, cuz you, you can only experience serendipity if you put yourself in that moment.

That's beyond the doom Scroll. You ever do that? That's, that's always fun at night. In fact, it's, it's funny, sometime my wife and I are so exhausted. We have eight kids, so we get home at night and we just sit next to each other. Scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, sometimes it's just a distracting thing.

But at the same time, you realize, I, I, I gotta put this down. I feel awful after doing that. So get out there, go to a, go to a bookstore, find out where those things are, because I think, I think those are, I.  And, and coming back to our moment here on serendipity, you need to find those serendipitous moment.

We talked about that incredible experiment where someone left the winding open and, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin saving hundreds of millions of lives. And again, we talked about how you had to dig deeper to realize Fleming had years of experience that he put towards this. And I think one of the things you need to know is that maybe there were other elements too.

What, what kept him going? You know, one of the reasons that, Fleming chose in 1928 to go to St. Mary's is he was a great swimmer and there's a big sort of, very humid atmosphere there. Would, would penicillin have been discovered had he chosen some other drier climate? also think, you know, he was Scottish.

Maybe that had to, you know, it's just his tenacity, his curiosity around things. , what are the things and elements that you have in your life that are gonna bring some incredible discoveries? Because as Pasteur, another unique discoverer noted, chance favors the prepared mind. So ask yourself, are you lucky or are you well prepared?

Now, you might find yourself in different avenues of that book of your life. , and you might be well prepared right now, or you might be on the behind the eight Ball. I remember, we went to visit a family, our friends that we knew who were celebrating a Christmas party, and, it was during the pandemic and they, you know, they were enjoying life immensely.

but you know, when I brought the subject about my favorite subject, COVID and how all these policies were really, really unfortunate in causing immense harm. . They looked at me like I was crazy. They said, well, no, we locked down. But I'll tell you, if I had a lock down in that house with that pool in that huge backyard with all the amenities of tutors and everything else coming in, mask and everything else, yeah, yeah.

maybe. I wouldn't complain so much. And in fact there were lots of people who, you know, chose to go against grain, but I understand why people went for it. Next week we're gonna be talking with Jennifer. One of my favorite friends and people here, and it's the most curious thing in the world here. She is a agnostic Jew and I'm believing Mormon Christian.

My wife is an evangelical, and, and here we are the best of friends now and all because we understood that, there are things in our life that we, we value and most of all was the same people coming after our kids. But Jennifer, we're gonna hear her story next week. She was the 1985. , US Women's Gymnastic Champion.

she broke her leg, otherwise she would've been right there with, Mary Lou Retten. But, she, you may remember her from the, from those days, but she went on for an incredible career at Levi's and she has a great book out that we'll talk about next week. We're also gonna have on the show here, in the, the next week's, Aaron c.

He's a, a fellow re publishing, author, and he's gonna talk about, you know, the incredible, moment that we see right now where they're uncovering what was only told in the shadows, the biometric police state, and what happens in there. If you have thoughts on people that you wanna see on the show, guests that you wanna receive, you can find me on Twitter at justin underscore.

Or you can find me, on many of their channels here, right here on, Instagram too, Instagram slash Justin Hart. But, we'll have some more information coming to you in the next little bit. A last little note on artificial intelligence, it's hard to replicate the brain. The brain is such a unique structure, and if you know how it works, one of the things that might inform you about your life is feed.

how much value do you put in feedback? Are you open to it? How self-aware are you? I don't mean self-aware in a sentient way. I mean, could you be self-aware enough to understand that you need feedback to improve yourself? Cuz the thing is the brain is like, The best way someone described it to me take a, take a bunch of tissue and kind of crumple it all up in layers and then put it into a large wine glass.

That's kind of how the brain is structured. It's just crumpled layers rippling through each other and they touch each other and there's connections and everything else there. And one of the things you realize is that there are sort of direct. Points for all of these, electrons, all these sort of, neurons that are going through your brain, the connections that sort of pop up there, the synapses, that's what turn I was looking for.

So these synapses are all throughout the brain and they go in a certain direction. And so, you know, your, your amygdala might tell your hand to put down that hot knife because it's gonna burn you, right? The, the flight mechanism there, that sort of base, element that happens. , but also consider this, there are three times as many synapses going back up the layers as there are going down.

So your, your brain might tell you, I have got to get more of that incredible tasty filet mignon in my mouth right now. But then your feedback mechanisms will also tell you to take it a little easy and chew your food, right? So it goes through these entire veins there in your. How many people are giving you feedback?

Do you allow your children to give you feedback, your peers, your spouse, your loved ones? Um, try, you know, just randomly asking someone that you know, any feedback that they have for you, and, and see what they say. It's important, just like your brain knows it's important to get those feedback mechanism.

But again, like the farmer and his fields, if you don't prepare for that, it's going to be a challenging time for you. So as we look towards 2023, as we're all, we're into February here, and we're, we're, we're growing into our, our, our audience and we're, we're getting lots of ideas on things we want to talk about.

Just know that you have to ground yourself and keep grounded, but also prepare those buckets for. Both the literal and the, the non-literal, the, the virtual rain that's gonna come and, shower you, because does that mean you're ready to catch it or are you gonna get it washed away? If I know my audience, you guys will be prepared.

Thanks for joining me today. Join us next Sunday, same channel.

You've been listening to the Justin Hart Show. Tune in again next Sunday morning at 10. Right here on the answer, San Diego.

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